Growth Think Tank

Improving leadership communication does not have the mindshare of many leaders like operational strategies. However, communication is an essential element that many employees often say needs improvement, even when the company is growing fast. In fact, improving leadership communication is critical in an agile work environment. Our guest is Mike Gentile, CEO of Cisoshare. Cisoshare was #88 on the 2019 Inc 500 list. Mike begins by sharing his top strategy for optimizing his time, which is being intentional about his family as much as the work. He shares why putting his family at the top of his to-do list has improved his leadership. In part two, Mike is coached on improving leadership communication. We look at the enemies of communication when you are leading a growing team. You will discover how to improving leadership communication inside this episode.

Get the show notes for The OYT Coaching Series - Mike Gentile at CISOSHARE

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST