Growth Think Tank

You may think I am crazy. Most of the world thinks I'm crazy. I want to tell you something, "I love Mondays" is not just a saying to me. It is a way of life. I love Mondays because every Monday I get to move my professional goals forward in a big way. I have created my week in such a way that I get to do my most important work on Mondays. I love to achieve my goals. I love to get more clients. I love to work on my speeches. I love to write. I love to do my podcast.

The big question here is can you see a way for your employees to love Mondays too. If they did, you know they are engaged with their work. They are aligned with their contribution and growth. Today, I share with you insights on how to get your employees to say "I love Mondays."

Get the show notes for 376 | I Love Mondays - Why You Should Too

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Direct download: 376-I-Love-Mondays-Why-You-Should-Too-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Today we talk about the lessons of growth from the 4th fastest-growing private company. I am talking to the CEO of Velocity Global, Ben Wright. Ben lead Velocity Global to a staggering 3-year growth that is 39,817%. They have revenues of $49+ million. You may not relate to that pace of growth, but what can you learn from Ben’s experience of this level of growth. He shares his lessons of growth so you can see where his focus has paid off. We talk about the value of vision and values. Ben shares why coaching has been so valuable for his leadership.

Get the show notes for 375 | Lessons of Growth from the 4th Fastest Growing Private Company Velocity Global

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring Ben Wright with your host @GeneHammett 

#LessonofGrowth #Leadership #GHepisode375 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 375-Lesson-of-Growth-Velocity-Global_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Creating a breakthrough in your confidence is hard work. It is difficult, and it is not your fault. Your current level of confidence is tied to your identity. Your identity is who you are at your most profound levels. To create a breakthrough in your confidence, you must be able to let go of the old standard of confidence. This is hard because of the correlation with your identity. It causes fear and doubt as you even think about it. You begin to take action toward the breakthrough and the challenge increases.

You may also experience pressure. Sometimes that pressure turns to stress. The doubt comes at you from all angles. In this video, I share with you a simple exercise to help you create a breakthrough. It will change your life if you let it.

Get the show notes for 374 | Creating a Breakthrough in Confidence

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett 

#CreatingBreakThrough #Leadership #GHepisode374 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 374-Creating-a-Breakthrough-in-Confidence-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Bold leadership is the new normal in today's fast past world. Change is constant. I got a chance to go in the trenches with a bold leader, Nav Salimian. Nav tells his story of growth by breaking from the old way to sell their bold clothing online. His story is remarkable. He saw an opportunity that required a family owned business to let go of the past. You talk about taking risks to test new ways. You have to be willing to play in your zone of genius. The story of this brand and the bold leadership is powerful. Today, we talk about the value of bold choice in leadership.

Get the show notes for 373 | The Value of Bold Leadership with Nav Salimian

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring Nav Salimian with your host @GeneHammett 

#BoldLeadership #Leadership #GHepisode373 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 373-The-Value-of-Bold-Leadership-with-Nav-Salimian_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

What happens when you have a "No excuses" way of leadership. Well, first it changes everything. It also depends on you. You must be able to take full ownership of your work, projects, goals, and the process. No excuses are also more than just you. It is creating a culture that is not willing to accept excuses from anyone. I share with you some insights about how you can create a No excuses way of leadership. I do share a story from Kyle Porter, CEO of SalesLoft, about his realization that he has no one to blame but himself when a key performer leaves his company. Discover what Kyle did that is so different than most leaders.

Get the show notes for 372 | No Excuses - Increasing Your Leadership Impact

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett

#NoExcuses #Leadership #GHepisode372 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 372-No-Excuses-Increasing-Your-Leadership-Impact-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Mental toughness in today's work is the ability to navigate uncertainty and overcome obstacles. When you have mental toughness, you can transfer those abilities to others that need it. All leaders need to be mentally strong. In this interview, we learn from the 2-time world record holder, Colin O'Brady. Colin shares with us how he strengthened his mental toughness in the midst of extreme pressure and frigid cold temperatures. Colin talks about mental toughness strategies that allowed him to climb the seven summits and the both the North/South poles. We talk about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest, and others in today interview.

Get the show notes for 371 | Mental Toughness for Leaders with World Record Everest Climber Colin O'Brady

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @colinobrady with your host @GeneHammett

#MentalToughnessforLeaders #Leadership #GHepisode371 #Podcasts


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Corporate culture is the foundation for your growth, innovation, and your impact. You must be able to monitor your corporate culture and change it when necessary. The culture of your organization defines how you approach new ideas and how your people interact with each other.

Get the show notes for 370 | Change Your Corporate Culture

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #CorporateCulture #Leadership #GHepisode370 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 370-Change-Your-Corporate-Culture-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

This is a [Special] episode today. Seeing your choices is about voting. It is about diving deep into your beliefs to uncover the real choices that are available to you. To grow and reach your potential you have to be willing to look for the choices -- all of them -- if you want to get new results. Seeing your choices is a skill that you can develop. Seeing your choices will give you the options you need to make a commitment to your growth.

Get the show notes for Special Episode | Seeing Your Choices

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #SpecialEpisode #Election #GHepisode #Podcasts

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Direct download: Special-Episode-Seeing-Your-Choices-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

Jesse Itzler believes normal is broken. Well, it is more than a belief. He sees the world through the lens of normal will only get you so far. He has lived life and created billion dollar businesses with this lens. "Normal is broken" is more than a mantra for Jesse Itzler. Jesse is the author of Living with a Seal and Living with Monks. He is an ultra-runner and also only eats fruit until noon. Lean in and learn from Jesse Itzler so you can create breakthrough success.

Get the show notes for 369 | Jesse Itzler shares why Normal is Broken

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @the100MileMan  with your host @GeneHammett #JesseItzler #Leadership #GHepisode369 #Podcasts

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