Growth Think Tank

Customer first is a prevalent thought when you think about growing fast. However, my research with fast-growth companies -- the top 1% of revenue growth -- shows that customer first is not the path to the growth you want. You have to put your people first if you want them to take care of your customers. Let me share with my research and insight that will shift your company if you let it. Discover why it is not customer first if you want to grow.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

There is a difference between managers and leaders. Organizations need both managers and leaders. However, we are in a severe need for leaders. The difference is not just in titles or authority. The managers love to keep things moving and make small adjustments to improve quality. The leaders are the ones that will create something that has never been created before.

Today's guest is extraordinary. Carly Fiorina is the first women CEO of a Fortune 500 company. She was the CEO of Hewlett Packard from 1999 to 2005. She shares with us about the difference between managers and leaders. Carly was also a candidate for President of the United States in 2016. Join me in this interview where we discuss the difference in managers and leaders.

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#DifferenceinManagersandLeaders #Leadership #GHepisode409 #LITTepisodes #Podcasts

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Better delegating will help you be a better leader. It will be hard to do what I ask. It will go against what you believe to your core as a leader. And it will change the way your team performs over time. Better delegating is very important to your growth as a leader and for accelerated growth as a company.

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#BetterDelegating #Leadership #GHepisode408 #LITTepisodes #Podcasts

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Direct download: 408_Better_Delegating_Requires_You_to_Stop_This_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Finding your strengths is a rite of passage for many people. You want to discover what you are best at doing. Some people call this working in your genius zone. Today's guest is Darren Virassammy, COO for 34Strong. Darren and I talk about the importance of strengths. We also talk about finding your strengths and leading others to find their strengths. Join me today in finding your strengths on Leaders in the Trenches.

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Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches Featuring @DVirassammy ‏with your host @GeneHammett 

#FindingYourStrenght #Leadership #GHepisode407 #LITTepisodes #Podcasts

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Direct download: 407_Finding_Your_Strengths_with_Darren_Virassammy_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Here is a guide to goal setting in a team environment. We won't be talking much about S.M.A.R.T. goals. We will be talking about a missing element in goals that many leaders often forget. Discover a critical component to success in this guide to goal setting.

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#GuidetoGoalSetting #Leadership #GHepisode406 #LITTepisodes #Podcasts

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Direct download: 406_A_Leaders_Guide_to_Goal_Setting_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Today you will learn to increase performance for your employees and yourself. Performance is a huge topic of conversation in today's workforce. I wanted to go outside of business to examine the commonalities to high performance in business and sports. My guest today is Allan Stein Jr., who spent decades analyzing the performance characteristics of legendary basketball players like Lebron James and Kobe Bryant.

Get the show notes for 405 | Learn to Increase Performance Lessons from Athletes with Alan Stein Jr.

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#LearntoIncreasePerformance #Leadership #GHepisode405 #Podcasts


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The process to Improve retention rates is a top challenge for many companies. Your company may not have a retention problem. In either case, you want to be proactive to retention because the cost is so high. SHRM (Society of Human Resource Managers) reports that it can cost you one time or more to replace an employee and get them back up to the performance level of the incumbent. Today I share with you the five leverage points in to improve retention so that you can proactively strengthen your bottom line.

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#ImproveRetention #Leadership #GHepisode404 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 404_Improve_Retention_Rates_5_Core_Areas_of_Retention_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

How to create a best place to work on this podcast. You have likely seen companies be honored with accolades about being a best place to work. My guest today shares how you can do it. Robert is the founder and CEO of Global performance marketing agency, Acceleration Partners. Discover how to create a best place to work in today's interview.

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Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @robert_glazer with your host @GeneHammett 

#HowtoCreateaBestPlacetoWork #Leadership #GHepisode403 #Podcasts

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