Growth Think Tank

When you understand the underpinnings of culture, you will be a more decisive and effective leader. Alain Hunkins is a thought leader and expert in the area of culture. We talk about this book, "Cracking the Culture Code," that will unlock a new awareness in your leaders and impact your company. Alain Hunkins serves on the faculty of Duke Corporate Education. His clients include Wal-Mart, Pfizer, Citigroup, General Electric, State Farm Insurance, IBM, General Motors, and Microsoft. Today, Alain Hunkins gives you a playbook to understand your company culture that will improve your bottom line.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

When you take time to attend meetings or even take time away from the office, do you feel a touch of anxiety about the amount of email that will clutter up your inbox? The "I get too much email" is a familiar feeling for anyone who is a business founder. Today, we look at some of the real issues that lead to "too much email." There is a bigger problem going on that you have to understand. Discover some new approaches to the despair of "too much email."

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Decisions shape the stories of our lives. Better decision making requires you to use everything you have available to you. Today, we look at the five questions to better decision making with Andy Stanley. Andy is a pastor and founder of Atlanta-based North Point Ministries. Andy is also the author of Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, and many more books too. His messages, leadership videos, and podcasts receive millions of views monthly across various websites and digital platforms. We talk about how leaders can make better decisions. We look at what gets in the way of making better decisions. Discover how you can face tough choices and still make decisions that you will be proud of.

Get the show notes for 5 Questions to Make Better Decisions - Interview with Andy Stanley

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#MakeBetterDecisions #SelfLeadership #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode630 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

In times like today, we have to move fast. We must be encouraging agility at all levels of the company. Encouraging agility is hiring the right people. It is about how you lead them too. Today's guest is Chris Ratterman, CEO of Shady Rays. His company was ranked #54 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. They sell fantastic sunglasses, reading glasses, and blue light glasses. I loved their ordering process, and the guarantee of their glasses is replacement even if you lost them. Chris and I discuss the reason you be encouraging agility if you want a fast-growth company. Tune in today to boost your skills in encouraging agility.

Get the show notes for Encouraging Agility to Activate Growth with Chris Ratterman at Shady Rays

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#EncouragingAgility #ShadyRays #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode629 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Getting your team to perform at a higher level is a big part of your job as a great leader. One essential element of growth has team alignment, that is a competitive advantage. But you have to build your ideals of team alignment on the right framework. In today’s short video behind the scenes, we look at “what does real team alignment look like?” Getting a higher level of team alignment will give you a loyal, focused team and the ability to adapt to the challenges ahead.

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#TeamAlignment #Leadership #GHepisode628 #BehindTheScene #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Nearly every fast-growth company knows the power of company core values. The real question is, how do you lead with core values? The core values become guardrails to success and provide support for decision making inside our companies at all levels. Our guest today is Joe Payne, CEO, and President at Code42. His company was ranked #3908 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Joe gives his approach to lead with core values. As the CEO of a fast-growth company, Joe has learned a few things about leadership and culture. We look at the keys to lead with core values in this interview.

Get the show notes for One Powerful Way to Lead with Core Values with Joe Payne at Code42

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#LeadwithCoreValues #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode627 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

The people in an organization are the life of every growing business. Investing in employees is a requirement if you want your team to grow, develop new skills, and retain talent. Every company is investing in employees at some level, but the critical question is, how do you support the right way? Today's guest is Darius Fisher, CEO of Status Labs. His company was ranked #3253 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Status Labs has developed an excellent reputation management solution, and its talented employees operate that. Darius and I discuss investing in employees. We look at the mistakes in his journey. Discover new ideas for you when you believe in investing in employees.

Get the show notes for Investing in Employees to Drive Growth with Darius Fisher at Status Labs

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#InvestinginEmployees #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode626 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

All growth requires you to go beyond your comfort level. Working requires muscle failure for growth. Leadership requires you to go beyond your comfort level. Let me share a quick story about how a leader learned the hard way about growth and comfort levels. To grow as a leader you want to find the edge where you grow and that edge is where you are uncomfortable.

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 #BeyondYourComfortLevel #Leadership #GHepisode625 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Fast-growth companies understand the power of transparency. Transparency happens when leaders dare to be open with their people. This openness provides a connection that endures all kinds of challenges. The power of transparency is clear to me after hundreds of founders and CEOs have told me how critical it has been to their growth. Today's guest is Matthew Nix, CEO of Nix Companies. His company was ranked #1242 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Nix Companies provides metal fabrication services, industrial coatings, metal product manufacturing, equipment distribution, and repairs. Matthew talks about where he has drawn his transparency line, which is where they stop keeping secrets. The power of transparency is what makes many leaders true visionaries.

Get the show notes for The Power of Transparency in Leadership Development with Matthew Nix

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#PowerofTransparency #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode624 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

One counterintuitive factor in many fast-growth businesses is the strategy of encouraging an entrepreneurial culture. An entrepreneurial culture is where every person embraces thinking like a business owner. When you have an entrepreneurial culture, you have a group of empowered employees that feel and act like owners. My guests today are the executives of Dynamic Blending. We have Gavin Collier, CEO, and Jordan Erskine, President. Dynamic Blending was ranked #17 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. We look at the critical elements of an entrepreneurial culture and why it is so important.

Get the show notes for The Business Case for an Entrepreneurial Culture with Gavin and Jordan at Dynamic Blending

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Gavin Colliers CEO and Jordan Erskine, President at Dynamic Blending with me your @GeneHammett 

#EntrepreneurialCulture #DynamicBlending #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode622 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

When you are always behind, you will struggle to move forward. The feeling of being behind is negative energy that pulls you away from your highest level of thinking. As I share with you today, when you are always behind, you have to be intentional about how you make the next move. I was the CEO of a fast-growth company, and I give you two things that you can do that will help you lead your people even when you always feel behind.

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 #YouAreAlwaysBehind#Leadership #GHepisode622 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Google has been able to create one of the strongest brands over the last two decades. The amazing people at Google did an in-depth study on what makes high performing teams. They discovered that leaders must create psychological safety for teams to perform to their potential. Leaders often have a blind spot for creating psychological safety, so I keep creating content to help you understand it. Today's guest is Joel Clark, CEO of Kodiak Cakes. His company was ranked #671 on the 2018 Inc 5000 list. Kodiak Cakes made the Inc list three consecutive times from 2018-2020. Joel gives you his plan to create psychological safety as a leader. We look at what gets in the way of employees feeling safe. Discover how to create psychological safety and activate ownership in your culture.

Get the show notes for Create Psychological Safety and Ownership to Activate Growth with Joel Clark at Kodiak Cakes

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#CreatePsychologicalSafety #JoelClark #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode621 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Getting what you want is easy when you know how to ask for it. Today, we talk with the authors of Ask! Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen share their wisdom on their new book. Mark Victor Hansen is the co-author of the "Chicksoup for the Soul" book empire. We explore their findings of asking the right way. We talk about it from the lens of a leader.

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#MarkVictorHansen #Ask! #CrystalDwyerHansen #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode620 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST