Growth Think Tank

So, you’ve achieved the level of success you’ve always wanted, but you thought you’d feel better than you actually do. Our guest, Craig Filek, created Purpose Mapping. Purpose Mapping is about grounding who you are and how you serve others. On this episode, we dive into cultivating a daily practice that boosts dopamine levels to help you carry out the actions needed to take those key action steps. This is about getting into your genius zone and actually doing what you are wired to do!

Get the show notes for 299 | Activating The Purpose Within Craig Filek

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @CraigFilek ‏and @GeneHammett #cultivating #key #PurposeMapping

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Russ Perry wants you to ask yourself what is making your life hard. Are you willing to give that up? For Russ, it was his relationship with alcohol. It was holding him back from being the best he could be. What are you addicted to? What is holding you back from living a life? On this episode, we talk about the myths we buy into as entrepreneurs and how to create a business based on our values. This episode is about how to feeling fulfilled now and not later.

Get the show notes for 298 | The Sober Entrepreneur with Russ Perry

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @russperry ‏and @GeneHammett #entrepreneurs #myths #business

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Greg Centineo is all about working with your team to cultivate hypergrowth. The journey of Hypergrowth is not a solo process. Growth is about building clear intention collaboratively with your team. It is about the power of a shared vision. Companies stop growing because leaders think they forget to nurture the very people who work for them. On this episode, we talk about how to continually evolve and grow with intention.

Get the show notes for 297 | Growth is Not An Accident with Greg Centineo

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @gregcentineo ‏and @GeneHammett #Hypergrowth #Growth #leaders

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On this episode, I take a moment to reflect back on all the wins and lessons learned over 2017. Plus, I share what I’ve got planned for 2018. This year marked the year where I got to publish my book “The Trap of Success.” I also got to speak on stage 25 different times. It’s been a productive years and I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve got coming up in 2018!

Get the show notes for 296 | What I Learned To Help You Grow – Year End Review

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #Success #TheTrapofSuccess #Book

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At the beginning of Mano’s entrepreneurial journey, he knew he needed a mentor. He knew he needed to make connections so he could be in the places and spaces where he could expand his horizons. He initially resonated with my talk on: “Find your riches in the niches.”

Get the show notes for 295 | The Entrepreneurial Journey with Mano Behera

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches @beheramano with @GeneHammett #entrepreneurial #Riches #niches

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