Growth Think Tank

We all have thoughts of how to get more done. Most of you attempt to hustle harder and increase productivity. Today I want to give you a counterintuitive approach to how to get more done. Let me share with you what I do when I feel overwhelmed. It has helped many leaders and founders that are growing fast. Discover how to get more done on today's show.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Nearly every business I know has a goal of getting more sales. Increasing your revenue allows for new investments in technology, new hires, and talent development. I interviewed Mo Bunnell, author of The Snowball System, about the art of getting more sales. Mo and I talk about why your old strategies might not work anymore. Discover how to get more sales and revamp your thinking too.

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GettingmoreSales #Leadership #GHepisode393 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Emotional intelligence is a big buzzword now. I want to give you my take on what is emotional intelligence for leadership. I am honored to engage with hundreds of clients over the last few years. I see behind the scenes with those that in the trenches. I find that every person on some level has some improvements they can make with their emotional intelligence. I want to give you some practical insights on how to raise your game and improve your emotional intelligence.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

You likely have a drive for excellence. You certainly want your team to do their work with excellence too. I wanted to create an episode about leading excellence. There is one brand in the world that I think of when it comes to EXCELLENCE. It is a hotel chain that is widely known for it. It is Ritz-Carlton Hotels. I have with me Horst Schultze who is a co-founder of Ritz-Carlton. He is also the author of Excellence Wins. We talk about how to inspire your people and the importance of leading excellence.

Get the show notes for 391 | Leading Excellence Co-founder of Ritz Carlton with Horst Schulze

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Having the courage to lead is often overlooked. I want you to bring your courage front and center. I talk to dozens of leaders and founders each week. I am never surprised that successful people struggle with fear and hesitate to make big decisions, especially when it comes to money and investing in their business. Today, I share with you how to have the courage to lead. Much of this episode is not even about leadership. I relate how learning to lead and learning to dance are similar. Discover how you can increase your capacity for courage and how you can increase your courage to lead.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

How to recognize your employees for doing great work? How do you recognize innovation? How do recognize collaboration? If you are an evolved leader, you know the importance of recognizing your team members. Today I am talking with Steve Pemberton with Global Force. We talk about the research and the importance of recognizing your employees. We talk about the 1% rule that can shift your culture. Listen to the full interview if you want to learn how to recognize your employees.

Get the show notes for 389 | How to Recognize Your Employees with Steve Pemberton

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

There are some concrete steps I take in planning for next year. I want to share with you some of the actions I take in starting the year on the right intention. Planning for the next year is something that people want to do, but when they don't hit their goals, they get wrapped up in doubt and fear. In this special extended version of my sharing with you my process of looking back and looking forward, you will learn how you can plan for next year.

Get the show notes for 388 | Commitment to The New Year, The New You

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Crafting Your Vision is an essential skill if you want to create a new future. Leaders in companies that can craft a compelling vision are more effective in aligning the people. Period. Vision is the future state of what you are creating. Your mission is the right you are want to change. Crafting your vision includes some essential parts. Today, I interview Andrew Yang to talk about the power of vision and how to craft. Yang is a 2020 candidate for Presidency of the United States. Discover the power of crafting your vision in this interview.

Get the show notes for 387 | Crafting Your Vision from Presential Candidate Andrew Yang

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @AndrewYangVFA with your host @GeneHammett 

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Are you getting ready for 2019? Or do you stay ready? I walked into the gym today and there was no one there. It was the day before New Years. I was curious where everyone was. Do you stay ready or must you get ready? If you are a leader of others and you want to grow must stay ready. Today, I share with you some key thoughts on why you must stay ready.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST