Thu, 27 April 2023
Welcome to our podcast where we discuss the transformative power of Let Love In, a book written by our guest, Jacob Kauffman. Jacob is a best-selling author and a High-Performance Coach & Business Mentor to mission-driven coaches & entrepreneurs. In this episode, Jake talks about his book, Let Love In; The Pain Stops When the Truth Starts. Let Love In is a guide to developing a healthy relationship with yourself and others by letting love into your life. By opening yourself up to vulnerability and compassion, you can learn to connect with others on a deeper level and experience more joy and fulfillment in your relationships. Let Love In offers practical tools and exercises to help you cultivate self-love and create positive change in your life. So, join us as we delve into the insights and wisdom of Let Love In and explore how it can help you transform your life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to discover how to let love in and live your best life.
Get the show notes for Let Love in with the author, Jacob Kauffman Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #JacobKauffman featuring your host @GeneHammett
#LetLoveIn #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode985 #Author #developingahealthyrelationship #LetLoveInThePainStopsWhentheTruthStarts
Sun, 23 April 2023
A culture of accountability is essential for fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members. When everyone is accountable for their actions, it becomes easier to identify areas for improvement and work collaboratively to achieve common goals. By setting clear expectations and holding team members accountable for meeting them, you can create a culture of trust, respect, and transparency. So, join us as we explore different strategies for creating a culture of accountability and how it can help you build a high-performing team. I'm Gene Hammett, an executive coach with over ten years of experience working with CEOs and their executive teams. I have developed frameworks and insights to help you and your company grow. In this special episode, I shared the importance of creating a culture of accountability in your organization. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to create a culture of accountability that promotes growth, innovation, and success for your organization.
Get the show notes for How to Create a Culture of Accountability with Gene Hammett Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring your host @GeneHammett
#cultureofaccountability #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode984 #Inc5000 #accountability
Thu, 20 April 2023
A servant leadership mindset is focused on serving others and empowering them to reach their full potential. This leadership style can lead to higher employee satisfaction, better collaboration, and improved business outcomes. By embracing a servant leadership mindset, you can create a culture of trust, respect, and accountability within your organization. Today's guest is Brad Griffith, Founder, and CEO at Buckeye Innovation. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4423 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Buckeye Innovation is a software services company, partners with clients to support their web and mobile applications, marketing, e-commerce sites, voice, and kiosk technology. In this episode, Brad talks about the importance of developing a servant leadership mindset as your company grows. He also talks about values and managers vs. leaders. Tune in as we explore different strategies to develop a servant leadership mindset and how it can help you lead your team to success. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to become a more effective leader and create a positive impact on your organization.
Get the show notes for Develop a Servant Leadership Mindset as Your Company Grows with Brad Griffith at Buckeye Innovation Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #BradGriffith featuring your host @GeneHammett
#ServantLeadershipMindset #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode983 #Inc5000 #softwareservicescompany
Sun, 16 April 2023
Enabling collaboration is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and technology can help make it happen. By leveraging tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and cloud-based software, team members can easily communicate and collaborate. Technology can also help teams work across different time zones and locations, making it easier to bring together people with different skill sets and experiences. Today's guest is Ibrahim Mesbah, Founder, and CEO at RevolutionParts. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4741 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. RevolutionParts is an Arizona-based company delivering an enterprise-ready platform for automotive parts and accessories for both retail and wholesale commerce channels. In this episode, Ibrahim talks about using Technology to Enable Collaboration. He also talks about asynchronous meetings and giving your people a chance to collaborate. Join us as we discuss different strategies for using technology to enable collaboration and how it can help you build a more connected and efficient team. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to use technology to enable collaboration and drive success for your business.
Get the show notes for Using Technology to Enable Collaboration with Ibrahim Mesbah at RevolutionParts Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #IbrahimMesbah featuring your host @GeneHammett
#Enablecollaboration #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode982 #Inc5000 #Ecommerce #automotiveparts #automotiveaccessories
Thu, 13 April 2023
Finding talent that shares your company's values can lead to a more positive and productive work environment. It's important to have a clear understanding of the skills and qualities needed for each role when finding talent. By identifying the right candidates who not only have the necessary skills but also share your company values, you can build a team that's committed to the same mission. Today's guest is Travis McAshan, Founder, and, CEO at Glide Design. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4207 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Glide Design IS an Austin-based digital creative agency designing, building, and optimizing websites for startups, nonprofits, and difference makers. In this episode, Travis talks about finding talent that aligns with the company's values. He also talks about the intentional focus on healthy relationships. Tune in as we explore different strategies for finding talent that aligns with your company values to create a cohesive and high-performing team. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to attract and retain top talent that shares your vision.
Get the show notes for Finding Talent that Aligns to the Company Values with Travis McAshan at Glide Design Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #TravisMcAshan featuring your host @GeneHammett
#findingtalent #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode981 #Inc5000 #digitalcreativeagency #designingwebsites #buildingwebsites #optimizingwebsites
Sun, 9 April 2023
When everyone on the team is aligned with the same vision and values, it becomes easier to make decisions and work together effectively. Keeping alignment of vision also helps to build a strong team culture that supports growth and success. By regularly communicating and reinforcing the vision and values, you can keep everyone on the same page and moving in the right direction. Today's guest is Anna Crowe, Founder, and CEO at Crowe PR. Inc Magazine ranked her company #4303 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Crowe PR is an integrated public relations and marketing agency specializing in mid- to large-sized consumer goods, hospitality, health care and technology brands. In this episode, Anna talks about keeping alignment of vision and values that aligns your team. She also talks about values and creating a vision for the company. Join us as we explore different strategies for keeping alignment of vision and values to create a high-performing team that achieves its goals.
Get the show notes for Keeping Alignment of Vision and Values that Aligns Your Team with Anna Crowe at Crowe PR Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #AnnaCrowe featuring your host @GeneHammett
#KeepingAlignmentofVision #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode980 #Inc5000 #integratedpublicrelations #marketingagency
Thu, 6 April 2023
In today's competitive job market, it's more important than ever to find the right people for the right roles. Having a clear understanding of the skills and qualities needed for each role can help you identify the right candidates. When you have the right people in the right roles, it can lead to higher job satisfaction, increased productivity, and overall success for your organization. Today's guest is Erin Mays, Co-Founder and CEO at EBCO Trends. Inc Magazine ranked her company #2,383 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. EBCO Trends is a women-owned innovation firm bringing together decades of experience as consultants, in-house innovation leaders, and trend experts. It was founded on the principle that innovation requires a new way of thinking that leverages trends and translates them into possibilities for innovation. In this podcast, Erin talks about having the right people in the right roles. She also talks about the external perspective of a coach and culture-fit hiring. Tune in to learn more about strategies and best practices for hiring the right people in the right roles.
Get the show notes for Right People, Right Roles with Erin Mays at EBCO Trends Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #ErinMays featuring your host @GeneHammett
#RightPeopleintheRightRoles #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode979 #Inc5000 #womenownedinnovationfirm #consultants #trendexperts
Sun, 2 April 2023
Engaged employees are more productive, satisfied, and loyal to the organization, which can result in significant benefits for the business. By creating a positive work culture, providing growth opportunities, and fostering strong relationships, leaders can increase employee engagement and create a high-performing team. We will discuss the best practices and real-world examples of how to increase employee engagement in the organization. Today's guest is Srikant Chellappa, Co-founder, and CEO at Engagedly. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2,205 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Engagedly is a growth and performance management firm providing a platform to combine business strategy execution, talent enablement, and employee engagement into a software solution. In this podcast, Srikant talks about how to increase employee engagement in the organization. He also talked about coaching and allowing some space to fail. Listen to the podcast to discover more tips and strategies, you can learn how to increase employee engagement and drive success in your organization.
Get the show notes for Increase Employee Engagement with Srikant Chellappa at Engagedly Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #SrikantChellappa featuring your host @GeneHammett
#IncreaseEmployeeEngagement #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode978 #Inc5000 #growthandperformancemanagement #softwaresolution
Direct download: 978_Srikant_Chellappa_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |