Growth Think Tank

Are you familiar with what it means to be the “Extreme Expert?” Today’s episode is about niching down your business so that you get to serve exactly who you are meant to serve. This is what works. This is what will determine sustainable success for you, your clients and your bank account. Lean into this episode for some new insights around letting go of the fear of niching. Chala Dincoy reminds us that each of us possess our own special form of strength and magic.

Get the show notes for 170 | How to be the Extreme Expert in Your Niche with Chala Dincoy

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett @DovGordon #Niching #SutainableSuccess #ExtremExpert #Episode170 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm EST