Thu, 28 April 2022
Growth will always require discovering new strategies and shifts in your mindset. Many leaders are not willing to make time to find new ideas. Today’s guest is Todd Conklin, CEO & Head Coach at Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3522 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties and Coldwell Banker Commercial Prime Properties is a family of professionals dedicated to creating exceptional real estate experiences for their customers and communities. Todd shares his mantra of “Learning Everything” in this interview. We look at the ever-changing aspects of business growth so you can discover why learning everything is so important -- and what it means.
Get the show notes for Always Be Learning Everything with Todd Conklin at Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ToddConklin with your host @GeneHammett
#LearningEverything #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode882 #realestate
Sun, 24 April 2022
Innovation takes a different style of leadership. When you want to empower employees to innovate, you want to create a place of psychological safety. This means that failure is part of the path. This is an absolute requirement when innovation is the goal. Today’s guest is Keith Murphy, CEO & Founder at Astrawatt Solar. Astrawatt Solar specializes in the design, engineering, and installation of premium solar energy products. Keith and I talk about how to empower employees to innovate. He shares what is working for his team. Discover what it takes to empower employees to innovate in today’s fast-paced world.
Get the show notes for How to Empower Employees to Innovate with Keith Murphy at Astrawatt Solar Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KeithMurphy with your host @GeneHammett
#EmpowerEmployeestoInnovate #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode881 #premiumsolarenergy
Thu, 21 April 2022
Many leaders are afraid to share everything with their people. I talk to so many CEOs who embrace sharing almost everything with their people that I believe it is essential. The value of transparency can’t be overlooked if you want your employees to feel like owners. Today’s guest is Liz Steblay, Founder & President at PrōKo Agency. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4610 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. ProKo is the “Creative Artists Agency” for over 75 independent consultants specializing in organizational effectiveness and HR. Liz gives you insights on the value of transparency and the things she has learned the hard way. Discover how vital transparency is to company growth.
Get the show notes for The Value of Transparency with Liz Steblay at ProKo Agency Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #LizSteblay with your host @GeneHammett
#ValueofTransparency #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode880 #CreativeArtistsAgency
Tue, 19 April 2022
Leading through innovation is required if you want to be a market leader. The skills to drive new ideas to market that make a difference for your clients will give you an advantage over your peers. Today’s guest is Kathleen Brunner, President & CEO at Acumen Analytics. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1597 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Acumen is an innovation leader, helping Life Sciences win the race against time through data and technology solutions that enable intelligent digital transformation. Kathleen talks about leading through innovation. We dive into how to create new strategies and business models in this interview. Discover how leading through innovation will drive growth for your business.
Get the show notes for Leading through Innovation with Kathleen Brunner at Acumen Analytics Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KathleenBrunner with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingThroughInnovation #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode879 #intelligentdigitaltransformation
Sun, 17 April 2022
Every business wants to make money. However, when you believe mission is more than important than money, you will create a company that makes a difference. The by-product is also likely to a business that drives incredible profits. Today’s guest is Kevin Stoller, Co-Founder & President at Kay-Twelve. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2174 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Kay-Twelve helps educational leaders transform their ineffective learning environments into innovative and collaborative spaces by providing furniture that encourages greater partnership among students, more student/teacher engagement, and a fully collaborative setting for learning to happen. Kevin lights up when it comes to the mission more than money. We look at how their company mission aligns and propels the business forward.
Get the show notes for Mission More than Money with Kevin Stoller at Kay-Twelve Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KevinStoller with your host @GeneHammett
#MissionMoreThanMoney #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode878 #FurnitureforInnovativeLearningEnvironments
Thu, 14 April 2022
Every business will face a change in strategy at some point. The skills of leading through challenging times will align your resources and give everyone hope for better times. Today’s guest is Noah Dentzel, CEO & Co-founder at Nomad Goods. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1523 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Nomad is a consumer electronics and lifestyle products company based in Santa Barbara, California. Noah shares his insights on leading through difficult times. He gives you some practical perspective on what to do when the business goes through a tough stretch. When you are leading through difficult times, you give your organization a vision of a brighter future ahead.
Get the show notes for Leading through Difficult Times with Noah Dentzel at Nomad Goods Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #NoahDentzel with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingThroughDifficultTimes #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode877 #electronicsandlifestyleproducts
Tue, 12 April 2022
Navigating a business pivot requires strong leadership so that people stay aligned. Businesses often have to change strategies. The challenge that you must address when navigating a business pivot is how do you make sure the people believe it is possible. Today’s guest is Guy Ironi, CEO at NutriFresh Services. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1324 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. NutriFresh Services is a national all-in-one HPP, perishable E-Commerce fulfillment, cold & frozen storage, and 3PL under one roof. Guy discusses navigating a business pivot that allows you to align your people. We look at all parts of a new strategy pivot and help you ensure your people buy in to the new direction.
Get the show notes for Navigating a Business Pivot for Fast-Growth with Guy Ironi at Nutrifresh Services Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #GuyIroni with your host @GeneHammett
#NavigatingaBusinessPivot #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode876 #allinoneHPP #ECommerceFulfillment
Sun, 10 April 2022
Every leader wants to create an amazing team. For many, they believe it is something that they need to do to make it work. The reality is you have to also look at what is getting in the of having a great team environment. Today’s guest is Paul Goldman, CEO & Founder at Muserk. Inc Magazine ranked his company #779 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Muserk is a leader in modern global rights management for music and video, driven by cutting-edge AI technology and royalty accounting solutions that protect and monetize content for rights holders worldwide, across all media formats. Paul and I talk about what it takes to create an amazing team. Discover steps that you can take to have better team alignment and higher performance across your organization.
Get the show notes for Creating an Amazing Team with Paul Goldman at Muserk Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #PaulGoldman with your host @GeneHammett
#CreateanAmazingTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode875 #managementformusicandvideo
Thu, 7 April 2022
Every CEO understands the battles of managing priorities. Discover the power of focus and how it is applied to company growth. Today’s guest is Jon Elwell, CEO at Kno2. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1544 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Kno2 is empowering healthcare technology vendors to finally realize the potential of true interoperability by unleashing connectivity everywhere, bringing patients and caregivers together. Jon reveals his thoughts on the power of focus. We discuss the challenges of distraction so that you can understand what gets in the way of your focus.
Get the show notes for The Power of Focus for Growth with Jon Elwell at Kno2 Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JonElwell with your host @GeneHammett
#Power of Focus #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode874 #healthcaretechnology
Tue, 5 April 2022
Company values are the culture’s operating system. Having a values-centric organization means you are operationalizing your values. Today’s guest is Susan Acker-Walsh, CEO & Co-founder at CREO. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1593 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. CREO’s management consulting and advisory services empower life science, healthcare, and technology companies to solve growth challenges. Susan opens up about her understanding of creating a values-centric organization. Discover new ways to leverage your values with daily practices.
Get the show notes for Creating a Values-centric Organization with Susan Acker-Walsh at CREO Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SusanAckerWalsh with your host @GeneHammett
#ValuesCentricOrganization #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode873 #managementconsulting #advisoryservices
Direct download: 873_Susan_Acker-Walsh_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 3 April 2022
CEOs want to create inclusive cultures and provide a strong sense of belonging. One part of that kind of culture is conscientious participation. Discover how this plays a role in company growth. Today’s guest is John Spencer, CEO & Co-founder at BrainGu. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1468 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. BrainGu develops custom DevSecOps software that enables mission success and boasts exceptional user and developer experience by working directly with end-users to solve real-life problems. John and I discuss conscientious participation in our look at powerful leadership.
Get the show notes for Leading Your Team to Conscientious Participation with John Spencer at BrainGu Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JohnSpencer with your host @GeneHammett
#ConscientiousParticipation #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode872 #DevSecOpssoftware