Growth Think Tank

Have you ever wondered how it feels to be coached? The experience is not comfortable. You get insight into how you see the world and how you could see it. Your coach has a different perspective and is not emotionally attached to the way you currently are being and what you are doing. Today's special guest is Cameron Herold who is the former COO of 1-800-Got-Junk, author of many books, founder of the COO Alliance and has many other accomplishments. I admire Cameron so much that I thought I would let him coach me on strategies for growth in my business. If you want to know how it feels to be coached, this episode shows you behind the scenes of the coaching experience. Cameron shares with me new strategies that are perfect for me.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Leadership effectiveness is more determined on what you let go of what you keep doing. Let's start with a question. Do you know who Marie Kondo is? She is the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I have been watching the Netflix show with Marie Kondo. I started thinking about how leadership effectiveness and cleaning up are very closely related. I am sharing a personal side of me today to share insights on leadership effectiveness. You can learn from this story and make improvements in your leadership effectiveness.

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Building wealth remains a goal for many business owners and people in general. There are many paths to wealth. Some are better than others. Some are safer than others. Today's guest is Marco Santarelli, founder of Norada Real Estate Investments. Marco shares how you can think about diversification in your journey to building wealth. We talk about different asset classes and focus on passive income using real estate. Tune in to hear about building wealth.

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Leadership development in today's work is not a nice to have. It is a must. I share a story with you about training a manager when you should have created a leader. This story will help you see areas that you can improve as a leader and keep you focused on leading leaders. Leadership development is required if you want continuous growth in your company. When you think about leadership development, you must know the differences between leaders and managers. Just one of the differences is leaders are not afraid to fail in service of growth. Managers are risk-averse. Tune in to hear about leadership development.

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Have you heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit? Or maybe you heard it was 66 days? What is the truth in days to form a habit? I chatted with James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, to understand if it takes 21 days to form a habit or more. James shared with me his latest research to help you form good habits. We also talked about how to break bad habits too.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Even the most talented and accomplished leaders benefit from working with an executive coach. In today’s episode, I share with you the benefits of having an executive coach. The biggest reason of all is results. To lead others through times of growth, you must grow yourself. It is hard. And it is required. An executive coach can give you insight into your personal limitations that keep you from growth. Working with an executive coach early in my business growth allowed me to go beyond a million in revenue to get to five million within three years. Tune-in today to get the benefits of an executive coach.

Get the show notes for What is an Executive Coach and Why It Matters

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Direct download: 414_What_is_an_Executive_Coach_and_Why_It_Matters_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

You are your reputation. There are many ways to improve your reputation. In my opinion, you want to be intentional about what people say about you...and your work. To improve your reputation, you have to know what determines it. My guest today AJ and Rory Vaden, the founders of The Brand Builders Group. We talk about the power of reputation and how to improve your reputation. We talk about why it matters so much. Tune in to discover how to improve your reputation.

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How to manage overwhelm with one quick exercise. I have been feeling overwhelmed lately. My clients feel overwhelmed too. That is one reason why they have a coach. This past Monday I had to take some time to decompress and think about my work, projects, and clients. I know that overwhelm is an emotion that pulls energy away from me being my best leader. I decided to do what I call “The Overwhelm Time Bubble” exercise. This is a simple tool I use with my clients…and this time I did it for myself. I wanted to get a clearer idea of all the work that I must do.

Today, I am sharing with you this simple — no-cost — exercise to help you manage overwhelm. In this video, you will get a view of what I face to grow my business, and you can walk along with me using “The Overwhelm Time Bubble” exercise.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Overwhelm is all too common these days. Overcoming overwhelm means that you have to be willing to change the way you do your work, but also the way you see yourself too. Jamie Masters is our guest today, and she shares her experience with overwhelm in a very vulnerable way. Jamie gives us concrete tips in overcoming overwhelm. This is a significant episode if you want to create more success and create a life that serves you on all levels.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST