Growth Think Tank

The future requires you to embrace remote work. Leading remote teams is a new skill set that has emerged over the last few years. Some of the leadership strategies that used to work just don’t anymore. Today’s guest is Alex Faust, COO & Orchestrator at Growth Institute. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3952 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Growth Institute is the premiere online training company for mid-market companies around the world. Alex gives you insights on leading remote teams. We look at things you have to unlearn from old styles of leadership. Discover the skills of leading remote teams in this interview.


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#Leadingremoteteams #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode907 #onlinetrainingcompany

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Scaling your business is often the goal. This means growth in revenue, optimizing your systems, and developing authentic leaders. When scaling your business the right way, you get to experience the full potential of your business. Today’s guest is Craig Swanson, Partner at KaisaFit. KaisaFit is partnering with personal trainer, fitness educator, and social media influencer Kaisa Keranen, they are building JUST MOVE, an online fitness platform with hundreds of on-demand, at-home workouts that fit any mood, any activity level, and anybody. Craig discusses scaling your business and the strategies that matter the most. He outlines what gets in the way of growth. Discover the keys to scaling your business.


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#ScalingYourBusiness #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode906 #growthinrevenue #optimizingyoursystems

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Reimagining company culture will allow you to create the company of your dreams. Having a company that people love and know how to do the job passionately requires authentic leadership. Today’s guest is Michel Falcon, Founder, CEO at Brasa Peruvian Kitchen. Brasa Peruvian Kitchen is a fast-casual restaurant serving everyday salads and warm bowls with real Peruvian flavours. Their menu has been designed by Peruvian-born chefs from Toronto and New York. Their menu is "flavour-first" supported by nutrient-dense ingredients and full meals you can eat daily. Michel and I talk about reimagining company culture. He shares how he changed the game in an industry with a high turnover. When reimagining company culture, you have to start with your leadership.


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#ReimaginingCompanyCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode905 #fastcasualrestaurant #Peruvianflavours

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Being an honest leader may seem like a given. However, being honest with your team is not for every leader. Many leaders don’t like to share the bad news. I believe in transparency. Today’s guest is Brian Burke, Chief Mac Man at Inc Magazine ranked its company #4794 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. is a trusted buyer and seller of used Apple products, through a simple online platform. Brian gives you insights on being honest with your team. We discuss why leaders must be transparent. We also look at what gets in the way of being honest.


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#BeingHonestWithYourTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode904 #buyerandseller #Appleproducts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

How you think matters more than you know. What you do is essential, and it all comes from your mindset for improvement. Today’s guest is George Breiwa, Founder of DynaVap. Inc Magazine ranked its company #1084 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. DynaVap is a manufacturer of aromatherapy vaporizers that can use nearly any available heat source. DynaVap was born with the primary goal of creating simple, battery-free Thermal Extraction Devices (TEDs). George discusses his mindset of improvement and how it relates to company growth. If you want to evolve, you have to be willing to change how you think. Having a mindset of improvement gives you the power to grow.


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#MindsetofImprovement #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode903 #aromatherapyvaporizers #ThermalExtractionDevices

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Keeping the right talent will give you an edge in company growth. The job market right now is insane. When you have the strategies, your people are aligned with your company's mission. Today’s guest is Josh Becerra, President and Founding Partner at Augurian. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1976 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Augurian was founded to give digital marketing executives confidence in their marketing investments. Josh and I talk about keeping the right talent and why it matters if you want to grow your company. We share the strategies that are working right now. Discover how keeping the right talent says more about your leadership than your business.


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#KeepingtheRightTalent #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode902 #digitalmarketing #marketinginvestments

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Employees are demanding flexibility. Flexibility can work, but it causes specific challenges. One big challenge is how to keep the culture with remote workers. Today’s guest is Ryan Thogmartin, Owner & CEO at DISRUPT Media. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4740 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. DISRUPT Media is a full-service social media management and content agency dedicated to the funeral profession. Ryan shares how to keep culture with remote workers in today’s marketplace. We discuss the strategies that are working. Discover the keys to keep the culture with remote workers in this interview.


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#KeeptheCulturewithRemoteWorkers #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode901 #socialmediamanagement #contentagency

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST