Growth Think Tank

Trust is essential in business, leadership, and relationship. But what happens when you lose trust. What do you do next? I have a great interview with Stephen M.R. Covey about how to regain trust. This message is not just for leaders or even business people. Listen in for Stephen's insights on regaining trust.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

You don't want your employees to DO the work. You read that right. You want more than that. You want them to WANT to do the work. When they want to do the work, you have created a particular magic alignment that makes your company grow fast. Today we talk about the key to getting them to want to do the work. We are talking about getting the team to take ownership. When they have the feeling of ownership, you have connected deeply to their inner drive. Enjoy today's show.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Every company depends on sales for growth. When you start adding people to your team that will sell your services or products, you must learn how to lead salespeople. Sales are critical, and it could be the most important hires you make in the company. Also, it can take months for someone to get up to speed and start selling. This can be very expensive. Today I am talking with Deb Calvert about how to lead salespeople. Deb is an expert in the area of leadership. Enjoy today's interview.

Get the show notes for 339 | How to Lead Sales People with Deb Calvert

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @DebCalvertMN and your host @GeneHammett #LeadSalesPeople #Leadership #GHepisode339 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Do you want to improve your sales? Improving means you might have to change the way you actually sell and how you engage the team to do so. It takes a complete revamp of sales inside of the company and it is a long sales cycle so if that's you, then let's talk about sales here...

Get the show notes for 338 | Creating a New Sales Process

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Have you ever wondered how to find the right agency for you? Today we talk about marketing agencies, but I think this conversation applies to any service provider. I am talking to Tyler Sickmeyer who shares with you fundamental questions to ask your agency to ensure that you are hiring a strategic partner and not just a vendor. Tyler is the CEO of Fidelitas Development who works with major brands to develop powerful marketing strategies.

Get the show notes for 337 | How to find the right agency for you with Tyler Sickmeyer

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @tsickmeyer and host @GeneHammett #Findtherightagency #Leadership #GHepisode337 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

The evolution of leadership has been coming for some time now. All things evolve. Markets evolve. People evolve. Leadership must evolve too. One of the most significant shifts is the focus on leaders to encourage others to feel like it is there company. It can be noticed in the words they use. Today I talk about how you should encourage others to say "our company" because when they feel like it truly is "our" company, they will show up in new ways. The evolution of leadership is here.

Get the show notes for 336 | The Evolution of Leadership: It is not YOUR company…It is OUR Company

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #TheEvolutionofLeadership #Leadership #Episode336 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Do you have a mission? Better yet, do you have a moonshot? Today we talk about what a moonshot is. We talk about why you need one. And we talk about it with a billionaire who is out to change the lives of billions with his Moonshot. Naveen Jain is the CEO of Viome and co-founder of Moon Express. Naveen and I talk about how to discover your moonshot. Don't miss this episode or part two of the interview for VIPs.

Get the show notes for 335 | Discover Your Moonshot with Naveen Jain

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #DiscoverYourMoonshot #Leadership #Episode335 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Do you take time for yourself? No really think about that question. Are you intentional with your self-care? I find that leaders are so focused on goals, growth, and others that often they make excuses about not taking time for themselves. This is about the three ways you can set up self-care when you lead others.

Get the show notes for 334 | Do you have self-care built into your schedule?

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #SelfCare #BuildyourSchedule #Episode334 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Are you looking to clarify your idea you wish to share with the world? Dolores helps IDEAPRENEURS do just that. On this episode, we talk about Dolores’s communication strategies that have lead speakers and authors to share their messages on stages like TEDx. Find out how you can share your idea in a succinct way so that it can be conveyed to your audience and be truly heard.

Get the show notes for 333 | How to Find Your Core Idea for Your Business with Dolores Hirschmann

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #Marketing #FindYourCoreidea #Episode333 #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST