Thu, 29 December 2022
Retaining talent is an important aspect of any organization's success. It can be challenging to find and hire top talent, so it's essential to do everything possible to keep them engaged and committed to the organization. This can be achieved through a combination of effective communication, opportunities for growth and development, and a positive work environment. Providing competitive compensation and benefits is also important, as is showing appreciation for the contributions and efforts of team members. By investing in the retention of talent, organizations can create a positive and productive work culture that helps attract and retain top performers. Today's guest is Yu Sunny Han, founder, and CEO at Fulcrum Pro. Fulcrum Pro is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ERP, MRP, and MES platform allowing small and mid-sized manufacturers to improve efficiency through workflow optimization and automated data collection. In this episode, Yu talks about why attracting and retaining talent is important. He also talks about transparency and the use of puzzle interviews to make sure they are hiring the right people. Discover the importance of retaining talent and how it can benefit your business.
Get the show notes for Attracting and Retaining Talent with Yu Sunny Han at Fulcrum Pro Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #YuSunnyHan with your host @GeneHammett
#RetainingTalent #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode951 #Inc2022 #SaaS #ERP #MRP #MESplatform #datacollection
Sun, 25 December 2022
Many leaders across the world believe growth comes by putting customers first. However, fast-growth company leaders look at it another way. Having an employee first mindset is what drives growth. When people feel valued and cared for, they do their work with strong motivation, a deep sense of meaning, and great engagement. Today's guest is William Harris, founder, and CEO at Elumynt. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1283 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Elumynt is an award-winning advertising company optimizing e-commerce campaigns around profit to scale clients faster and help them get acquired. In this episode, Williams talks about having an employee first mindset and the seven people of your sphere. He also talks about how they take good care of their people and their loved ones. Employee first mindset may be foreign to you, but it could be the key to new growth.
Get the show notes for Employee First Mindset Creates Growth with William Harris at Elumynt Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #WilliamHarris with your host @GeneHammett
#EmployeeFirstMindset #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode950 #Inc2022 #advertisingcompany #ecommercecampaigns
Thu, 22 December 2022
Throughout the years, successful businesses have learned the importance of having the right culture in a company. Being intentional about culture matters, and it makes every company unique. It is all about monitoring what you are creating and making necessary shifts along the way to ensure you are accomplishing what you set out to by creating the intentional culture in the first place. Today’s guest is Ryan Jones, co-founder, and CEO of Florence Healthcare. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1145 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Florence Healthcare is a clinical trial workflow platform providing a suite of products digitally linking the clinical research ecosystem to accelerate cures. In this episode, Ryan talks about being intentional about culture and how it drives growth to their business. He also talks about being direct with bad news, the cadence of communication, and how he empowers his people. Discover the secrets to being intentional about culture and the keys to next-level growth.
Get the show notes for Being Intentional about Culture Creates Growth with Ryan Jones at Florence Healthcare Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #RyanJones with your host @GeneHammett
#BeingIntentionalaboutCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode949 #Inc2022 #clinicaltrialworkflowplatform #clinicalresearchecosystem
Sun, 18 December 2022
Creating a solid office culture can be challenging. As leaders during this time of the rise of remote and hybrid work, collaboration and a level of trust to have an in-office culture are necessary. Today’s guest is Joe Shelerud, co-founder and CEO of Ad Advance. Inc Magazine ranked his company #500 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Ad Advance is a digital advertising agency specializing in Amazon Sponsored Ads and DSP. They work with established eCommerce brands ready to invest in a more complex and custom approach to push their advertising to the next level. In this episode, Joe talk about creating a solid office culture and why hiring for culture is important. He also talks about how they value transparency as part of their culture. Tune in and discover the secrets to creating a solid office culture.
Get the show notes for Creating a Solid Office Culture to Drive Growth with Joe Shelerud at Ad Advance Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JoeShelerud with your host @GeneHammett
#CreatingASolidOfficeCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode948 #Inc2022 #digitaladvertisingagency #AmazonSponsoredAds #DSP
Thu, 15 December 2022
Every business has to go through change. In times of change, they need a rock-solid foundation for culture and leadership. Leaders must look for ways to align people and make sure they are cared for while leading through a pivot. Today’s guest is Sarah Petty, Founder of Joy of Marketing. Inc Magazine ranked his company # 3071 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. The Joy of Marketing is a coaching program providing business courses, photography, and marketing ideas for portrait photographers desiring to build a profitable boutique photography business. In this episode, Sarah talks about why leading through a pivot is important and the steps she took to ensure that her people are aligned through this change. She also talks about the company values and how important they are as a foundation when you have to go through a pivot. Learn about the challenges she had gone through and the communication patterns that are necessary as you are leading through a pivot.
Get the show notes for Leading Through a Pivot with Sarah Petty at Joy of Marketing Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SarahPetty with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingThroughAPivot #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode947 #Inc2022 #coachingprogram #boutiquephotography
Sun, 11 December 2022
For the organization to be successful, leaders must be proactive in keeping their people feel connected. Employees feel more engaged when they feel connected and appreciated at work. It benefits your organization by reducing absence, boosting engagement, and increasing the chances of your employees living happy lives. Today’s guest is John Duisberg, Co-Founder at Cooleaf. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2681 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Cooleaf is the leading experience platform that helps top companies to engage, motivate, and connect with their people. Through meaningful recognition, virtual experiences and challenges, strategic listening, and empowering workplaces to lead with love. In this episode, John talks about how to make sure your people feel connected, why it matters, and investing in your people. He also talks about holding people accountable, empowerment by trusting others, and a sense of ownership. Discover the secrets to making your people feel connected and the keys to next-level growth.
Get the show notes for Making Sure People Feel Connected Creates Growth with John Duisberg at Cooleaf Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JohnDuisberg with your host @GeneHammett
#PeopleFeelConnected #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode946 #Inc2022 #teamcollaborationplatform #Software
Thu, 8 December 2022
Companies don’t scale fast without the right people on the team. Leaders must focus on a strategy to develop people and create a place where culture is everything. Building the right team is essential if you want your company to scale fast. So slow down and make a sustainable plan to scale fast. Today’s guest is Michael DeCesare, President, and CEO at Exabeam. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2945 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Exabeam is a global cybersecurity leader that created New-Scale SIEM™ for advancing security operations. Built for security people by security people, they reduce business risk and elevate human performance. In this episode, Michael talks about how to lead a company to scale fast and what it takes to build a strong team. He also talks about how the leadership team should be responsible for developing people. Discover how to take your business to the next level and continue to scale fast the way you want it.
Get the show notes for Leading a Company to Scale Fast with Michael DeCesare at Exabeam Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MichaelDeCesare with your host @GeneHammett
#ScaleFast #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode945 #Inc2022 #globalcybersecurity #SIEM
Sun, 4 December 2022
There's nothing stronger than values driven leadership. Values driven leadership instills a common set of values in all employees, improving their cohesiveness and willingness to work together. People who have similar values to each other and to those of the organization will build stronger bonds, look out for each other, and engage in more meaningful interactions than those that don’t. Today’s guest is Chris Dreyer, Founder, and CEO at Inc Magazine ranked his company #3360 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. was purpose-built with one goal in mind: delivering exceptional results for attorneys without compromising on customer service. In its history, Rankings has not only won multiple digital agency awards from both Clutch and UpCity, but has been a member of the Inc. 5000 for five consecutive years. In this episode, Chris talks about his unique approach to a values driven leadership. He also share how he pass down values to employees. Join me to discover how to create a fast-growth company with values driven leadership.
Get the show notes for Values Driven Leadership Creates Predictable Growth with Chris Dreyer at Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChrisDreyer with your host @GeneHammett
#ValuesDrivenLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode944 #Inc2022 #SEOforLawyers
Thu, 1 December 2022
Every business owner who needs to take their life back needs a business that allows them to spend less energy, resources, and money. A business that runs like clockwork gives you freedom and time to focus on your people first. That’s why it’s worth thinking about the steps you can take to have a business that runs like clockwork. Today’s guest is Mike Michalowicz, founder of multiple multi-million dollar businesses and a best-selling author of Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself. The book explains how entrepreneurs can grow their enterprises without sacrificing their sanity. In this episode, Mike talks about having a business that runs like clockwork, systems and productivity. He also talks about the role the queen bee has in your business. Listen in for game-changing concepts that may change the way you run your business.
Get the show notes for Having a Business that Runs Like Clockwork with Mike Michalowicz Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MikeMichalowicz with your host @GeneHammett
#ABusinessthatRunsLikeClockwork #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode943 #ProfitFirst #Clockwork #ThePumpkinPlan #FixThisNext
Sun, 27 November 2022
Bring People Together From Across the World for Growth with Cameron Allahverdi and Hamza Khan at GetUrns
A true leader brings people together. As leaders during this particular time of the rise of remote and hybrid work, one of the top priorities right now should be bringing people together to achieve common goals. Knowing they are part of a team can help employees develop a positive attitude about their work and develop strong relationships with their colleagues. Both of which can result in higher morale and a better work environment. Today’s guests are Cameron Allavendi and Hamza Kahn, leaders of GetUrns. Inc Magazine ranked their company #528 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. GetUrns is an online retailer featuring quality, customizable cremation urns, and cremation jewelry to honor loved ones with compassion, support, and guidance. In this episode, Cameron and Hamza talk about bringing people together and spending time and effort to listen to their aspirations. They also talk about asynchronous collaboration and the evolution of processes. Tune in to discover how bringing people together helps grow your company.
Get the show notes for Bring People Together From Across the World for Growth with Cameron Allahverdi and Hamza Khan at GetUrns Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #CameronAllahverdi #HamzaKhan with your host @GeneHammett
#BringingPeopleTogether #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode942 #customizablecremationurns #cremationjewelry
Direct download: 942_Cameron_Allavendi_and_Hamza_Kahn_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 24 November 2022
Transparent culture is sharing information freely to benefit the organization and its people. When an organization is transparent, it increases employee engagement and allows them to communicate freely. A transparent culture creates trust between employers and employees and being transparent costs nothing, which gives it an exceptional ROI. Today’s guest is Syed Ishaqui, Founder and CEO at AvistaTech. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3022 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. AvistaTech is a recruiting company providing consulting, strategic solutions, and staffing using a proprietary tool to identify resource gaps and assess technology. In this episode, Syed talks about creating a transparent culture and its impact on the organization. He also shared his insights about leading by example and how as a leader, it always starts with you. Discover how you can create a transparent culture to drive growth for your company.
Get the show notes for Transparent Culture Drives Growth with Syed Ishaqui at AvistaTech Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SyedIshaqui with your host @GeneHammett
#TransparentCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode941 #consultingsolutions #strategicsolutions #staffing
Sun, 20 November 2022
There are many avenues to an organization's success, but the process often starts with having the right people required for growth. Invest your time, resources, and energy to get the right people required on the bus, and you will have fewer headaches, expenses, and flat tires later. Today’s guest is Donovan Farrow, Founder, and CEO at Alias Infosec. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2068 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Alias Infosec is a cybersecurity service specializing in custom prevention, detection, and response solutions to protect clients from cyber threats, attacks, and risks. In this episode, Donovan talks about the right people required for growth. He also shared his journey when he had to reboot, back when he did not have the right people in the right places. Donovan gets real and shares how you can improve your hiring process. Tune-in to our conversation to get the steps he had learned that work for their company.
Get the show notes for Right People Required for Growth with Donovan Farrow at Alias Infosec Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DonovanFarrow with your host @GeneHammett
#RightPeopleRequired #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode940 #cybersecurityservice #protectclientsfromcyberthreats
Thu, 17 November 2022
Leading a culture of ownership can be challenging. It is about holding yourself and others accountable for your mindset, behavior, and performance. Leading a culture of ownership starts with you. High-performing organizations in Inc 5000 list have cultures built on ownership and accountability and have critical strategic advantages for leaders and teams. Today’s guest is Abeer Raza, CMO & Co-Founder at TekRevol. Inc Magazine ranked his company #769 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Tekrevol is a mobile app development and digital transformation company delivering products to transform digital presence and improve internal processes. They provide people with a platform where they are free to think critically and innovate to create a better world. In this episode, Abeer talks about leading a culture of ownership, why it matters and what you can do to get there. He also talks about giving his employees greater authority, responsibility, and a sense of ownership. Discover the secrets to leading a culture of ownership and keys to next-level growth.
Get the show notes for Leading a Culture of Ownership with Abeer Raza at TekRevol Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AbeerRaza with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingaCultureofOwnership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode939 #mobileappdevelopment #digitaltransformationcompany
Sun, 13 November 2022
Becoming a great leader is a lifelong journey, it doesn't happen overnight. Every day you are on your personal journey of leadership and its full of of failures, lessons, and sacrifices along the way. Today’s guest is Jake Dunlap, Founder, and CEO at Skaled Consulting. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3963 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Skaled Consulting is a world-class management and sales consulting provider. They accelerate the growth of emerging and enterprise companies by bringing in Sales Leadership, Operations, and Enablement experts who drive real and quantifiable business outcomes. In this episode, Jake talks about his journey of leadership and the things he learned the hardway. He also talks about how to get yourself and the people truly aligned when changes are bound everywhere. He shares the mistakes he has made in his journey of leadership. Learn from this interview with Jake about why values are important and some unconventional approaches to leadership.
Get the show notes for The Journey of Leadership with Jake Dunlap at Skaled Consulting Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JakeDunlap with your host @GeneHammett
#JourneyofLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode938 #managementconsulting #salesconsulting
Thu, 10 November 2022
Culture matters, and it makes every company unique. Having the right culture builds trust, respect, and the opportunity for employees to participate in shared values and passion. Creating the right culture matters because it directly affects people factors such as employee engagement and motivation; and productivity factors such as product and customer service quality. Today’s guest is Amanda Lucey, CEO of The Partnership. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4298 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. The Partnership is Atlanta’s oldest privately held, female-owned marketing and brand communications agency. They truly believe in partnerships, and their approach is to treat all clients like partners to create a deeper working relationship. In this episode, Amanda talks about why culture matters so much if you want a fast-growing company. She also shared how she uses values to align people together and how she created her culture brand. Discover how letting employees learn to start thinking for themselves helps contribute to their growth.
Get the show notes for Why Culture Matters with Amanda Lucey at The Partnership Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AmandaLucey with your host @GeneHammett
#Culturematters #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode937 #femaleownedmarketing #brandcommunicationsagency
Sun, 6 November 2022
If the challenges of 2020 have taught us anything, it has certainly taught us the importance of being adaptable. There are times we experience unexpected unpleasant situations in life. Being adaptable ensures you stay afloat when adversities of life try to sink you down. Today’s guest is Jason Feifer, Editor-in-chief at Entrepreneur Magazine and Author of Build for Tomorrow: An Action Plan for Embracing Change, Adapting Fast, and Future-Proofing Your Career. Build for Tomorrow is designed to accelerate that process—to help you lessen your panic, adapt faster, define the new normal, and thrive going forward. And it arrives as we all, in some way, have felt a shift in our lives. In this episode, Jason talks about being adaptable and embracing change. He also talks about how running experiments are part of the process for growth. Disocover how to use the power of change and being adaptable to your advantage.
Get the show notes for Being Adaptable with Jason Feifer at Entrepreneur Magazine Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JasonFeifer with your host @GeneHammett
#BeingAdaptable #GHepisode936 #GeneHammettPodcast #Author #Build for Tomorrow
Thu, 3 November 2022
Leadership and innovation are a combination of leadership styles that influence employees to produce creative ideas, products, and services. It is also about figuring out how to add value to an organization and, like with most practices, reaching mastery of leadership and innovation starts within the person herself- or himself. It is the ability to inspire productive action in yourself and empower others during times of creation, invention, uncertainty, and risk. Today’s guest is Mauro Porcini, Chief design officer at PepsiCo and Author of The Human Side of Innovation: The Power of People in Love with People. He is responsible for leading innovation by design across PepsiCo’s food and beverage portfolio, extending from physical to virtual expressions of the brands. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. Their product portfolio includes enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands. In this episode, Mauro talks about leadership and innovation. He also talks about the human side of innovation and making people dream with you. Learn how having a human-centered culture in a workplace makes everything extraordinary.
Get the show notes for Leadership and Innovation with Mauro Porcini at PepsiCo Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MauroPorcini with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadershipandInnovation #GHepisode935 #TheHumanSideofInnovation #ThePowerofPeopleinLovewithPeople
Sun, 30 October 2022
Leaders all across the world would agree that leadership is everything. It determines where the organization will go, what will be achieved, how it will be done, and when it will be done. Leadership is everything. Today’s guest is Quinton and Terran Lewis, Founders, and CEO at Herb'N Eden. Inc Magazine ranked his company #125 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Herb'N Eden is a Georgia-based natural soap and body care company that creates products made exclusively from plants. Their mission is to develop holistic bath and body products that help maintain skin health with products made from botanical ingredients and essential oils. They strive to empower others with an alternative to the harsh chemicals found in today's market. In this episode, Quinton and Terran talk about how leadership is everything and how it became a key factor in their growth as a company. They also talk about handling difficult conversations and the challenges they had to overcome throughout this journey. Discover the importance of prioritizing customer communication can benefit your business.
Get the show notes for Leadership is Everything with Quinton and Terran Lewis at Herb'N Eden Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #TerranLewis #QuintonLewis with your host @GeneHammett
#Leadershipiseverything #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode934 #bodycarecompany #naturalsoapcompany
Direct download: 934_Quinton_and_Terran_Lewis_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 27 October 2022
Companies have found a way to create engaged employees who have a clear view of the company’s future goals by transitioning to a results-driven culture that rewards employees' achievements. The foundation of a results-driven culture is built upon effective communication between managers and employees and the aligning of a company’s mission and values. Today’s guest is Enrique Alvarez, Managing Director at Vector Global Logistics. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1775 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Vector Global Logistics is a Georgia-based logistics firm providing logistics and shipping services, with expertise in nonprofit organizations and complex regions. In this episode, Enrique talks about creating a results-driven culture and hiring based on values and culture alignment from the beginning. He also talks about leadership and how giving the people the freedom contributed to the success of their company. Take away any one of these 3 simple parts and see if it's something that you may want to align your organization with.
Get the show notes for Creating a Results-driven Culture for Growth with Enrique Alvarez at Vector Global Logistics Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #EnriqueAlvarez with your host @GeneHammett
#ResultsdrivenCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode933 #logisticsfirm #shippingservices
Sun, 23 October 2022
Passion makes a difference and if you want to have a passionate, inspired workforce, it begins with you: the leader. Leading passionate people also requires passion. Passionate leaders motivate and inspire their people to be the best they can be and put as much of their best self, as they can into achieving their goals. Today’s guest is Shawn Lankton, Founder, and CEO at CoreView. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1388 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. CoreView is a software platform helping IT teams manage oversight of their Microsoft 365 environment by providing management solutions. In this episode, Shawn talks about leading passionate people and why it's such a critical factor in the company's growth. He also talks about how as a leader, you have to want to do the actual work and figure out where every employee's passion lies. Motivating team members to act toward achieving a shared goal and leading passionate people to help them realize their highest potential. Discover how sharing stories with team members about the impact you have on the customers and the value of the services you all give can make a difference and serve as an inspiration to others.
Get the show notes for Hiring and Leading Passionate People with Shawn Lankton at CoreView Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ShawnLankton with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingPassionatePeople #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode932 #managementsolutions #Microsoft365ManagementPlatform
Thu, 20 October 2022
Leadership and innovation are much more than just inventing new creations. It is about figuring out how to add value to an organization and, like with most practices, reaching mastery of leadership and innovation starts within the person herself- or himself. It is the ability to inspire productive action in yourself and empower others during times of creation, invention, uncertainty, and risk. Today’s guest is Erik Huberman, Founder, and CEO at Hawke Media. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3503 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Hawke Media is a digital marketing agency creating custom performance-driven solutions for businesses, helping them to launch, scale, and invigorate their brand. In this episode, Erik talks about the ups and downs of leadership and innovation. He also talks about fault starts, and how it became a part of his journey. Learn how challenging and empowering your employees is an essential condition to keep them engaged, motivated, and interested in your company.
Get the show notes for Leadership and Innovation - AI in Marketing with Erik Huberman at Hawke Media Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ErikHuberman with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadershipandInnovation #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode931 #digitalmarketingagency
Sun, 16 October 2022
Company values play a crucial part in how the company is shaped and grows. It is vital to start using your values in the early stages of building your company and consider them in your hiring strategy. When employees find their organizational values aligned with principles and values, this environment helps them connect deeply. Today’s guest is Nehal Kaiser, Founder, and CEO of Blue Hammer Roofing. Inc Magazine ranked his company #17 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Blue Hammer Roofing are expert in hail, wind, tornado, and storm-based roof repairs and replacements with millions of dollars in repairs performed every year. They are dedicated to providing an excellent customer experience while protecting your home with high-quality roofing that lasts for a long time. In this episode, Kaiser talks about using your values to create growth and how to align people around it. He also talks about how values are designed for difficult times. Discover how using your values help people remember what makes the company special, and what the team stands for.
Get the show notes for Using Your Values to Create Growth with Nehal Kaiser at Blue Hammer Roofing Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #NehalKaiser with your host @GeneHammett
#UsingYourValues #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode930 #RoofingCompany #highqualityroofing
Thu, 13 October 2022
Creating a culture of integrity is something every leader should strive to build. Integrity matters, and creating a culture of integrity takes a lot of intention, thought, and commitment to doing the right thing. If the organization has a culture of integrity, employees are proactive when they don’t understand their responsibilities and are accountable for their results. As a result, the business thrives. Today’s guest is Adwait Joshi, Founder, and CEO at DataSeers. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1503 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. DataSeers is a financial technology company helping other fin-tech companies and banks solve operational issues related to onboarding, reconciliation, compliance, fraud, and business. In this episode, Adwait talks about what it takes to create a culture of integrity. He also talks about leading by example and how it always starts with you. Learn how to give employees the balance they need, make a difference, and can contribute to lasting growth.
Get the show notes for How to Create a Culture of Integrity with Adwait Joshi at DataSeers Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AdwaitJoshi with your host @GeneHammett
#CultureofIntegrity #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode929 #financialtechnologycompany
Sun, 9 October 2022
Business leaders are aware of how important it is to have an adaptable culture to survive. We all wish our employees were ever-evolving, adaptable, willing to be a little bit flexible, and looking for innovation. To embrace and seek out changes instead of resisting them. If you have all these, you have an adaptable culture. Today’s guest is Sam Kolbert-Hyle, Founder, and CEO at Brandlive. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2167 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Brandlive is shaping the Future of Work through meetings that are more fun, more engaging, more interactive, and, well, more like television. They provide streaming tools and audience platforms designed to make remote work and meetings more fun and engaging. In this episode, Sam talks about creating a space for employees to have an adaptable culture and how to use video to engage people. He also talks about the importance of having a point of view and knowing what you stand for. Discover how he quickly and effectively created an adaptable culture and its impact on leaders and their organizations.
Get the show notes for Creating an Adaptable Culture with Sam Kolbert-Hyle at Brandlive Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SamKolbertHyle with your host @GeneHammett
#AdaptableCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode928 #streamingtools #audienceplatforms
Thu, 6 October 2022
This comes as no surprise how culture is everything across an organization. It affects all aspects of business, from protocols to decision-making, managing employees, and projects. When workplace culture aligns with your employees, they are more likely to feel more comfortable, supported, and valued. Today’s guest is Darrin Jahnel, Founder, and CEO at Jahnel Group. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2701 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Jahnel Group brings over a decade of web development experience with a great eye for design and an impressive set of technical skills. They offer a suite of client services, from design and ideation through design, development, QA, analytics, and more. They work hard to stay on the cutting edge of the industry and make their customers happy. In this episode, Darrin shares how culture is everything and how it's a fundamental aspect of their growth rate. He also talks about creating extraordinary experiences and creating a place where employees wouldn't want to leave. Learn about why having the right people and leadership makes a big difference in the organizational culture.
Get the show notes for How Culture is Everything with Darrin Jahnel at Jahnel Group Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DarrinJahnel with your host @GeneHammett
#HowCultureIsEverything #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode927 #webdevelopment #ideationthroughdesign
Sun, 2 October 2022
As a leader, if you want to foster a culture of creativity and productivity, then you may want to take steps to create a team atmosphere. Creating a team atmosphere in the workplace unites employees in pursuing common objectives and sets a clear direction. Trust, open communication, and collaboration are just a few examples of essential elements in creating a team atmosphere. Today’s guest is Justin Rainer, founder, and CEO at TeamWRX. Inc Magazine ranked his company #716 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. TeamWRX is an award-winning, culture-driven company that provides immediate contingent employee placement and the scheduling of long-term staffing in the Metro Atlanta, Greater Savannah, and Dallas-Fort Worth areas. It is built on the foundation of superior customer service and heavy investment in the culture, training, and advancement to produce extraordinary results. In this episode, Justin talks about creating a team atmosphere out of sport-based fundamentals and why it is important to celebrate the small wins just as much as the big ones. He also talked about empowering people and building camaraderie in the workplace. Discover what it takes to create a culture where people feel like they belong and create one within your own workplace.
Get the show notes for Leading a Team Atmosphere Creates Growth with Justin Rainer at TeamWRX Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JustinRainer with your host @GeneHammett
#TeamAtmosphere #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode926 #staffingcompany #culturedrivencompany |
Thu, 29 September 2022
Leadership is changing, it comes in many forms, and right now, we are in the middle of a significant shift of leadership. Many examples of the shift in leadership don't fit the stereotypical image of positional power. Old models of commanding control are no longer working, and managers who can't adapt to this shift are resigning or retiring. Today's guest is Bill George, former chairman and CEO of Medtronic. Bill is a renowned leadership expert and the author of True North: Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace, Emerging Leader Edition. The book is filled with dramatic stories from successful leaders of how they overcame great challenges to build highly successful organizations. In this episode, Bill talks about the shift of leadership and the importance of focusing on frontline employees. He also talks about how introspective leaders are a purposeful and more effective type of leaders. Discover different models of leadership that can help you become a better leader and work well with others.
Get the show notes for The Shift of Leadership with Bill George - Author of True North Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BillGeorge with your host @GeneHammett
#ShiftofLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode925 #AuthorofTrueNorth #renownedleadershipexpert
Sun, 25 September 2022
A core element of a strong culture is retaining talented employees. With the low unemployment rates and expensive employee turnover costs, the focus on retaining talented employees is vitally important for business owners and leaders. Today’s guest is Corbin Wrights, founder, and CEO at REPLI. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1376 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. REPLI is a fast-growing property tech company that develops software solutions for multifamily organizations. From custom community websites to renter-focused ad funnels – REPLI helps multifamily owners and managers create unforgettable digital experiences for their future and current residents. In this episode, Corbin talks about retaining talented employees and what it takes to be a leader that can. He also talks about the importance of value alignment and how it helps the company to succeed. Learn how having the right team in place can make a difference.
Get the show notes for Strong Culture and Retaining Talented Employees with Corbin Wrights at REPLI Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #CorbinWrights with your host @GeneHammett
#RetainingTalentedEmployees #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode924 #techcompany #customwebsites
Thu, 22 September 2022
Your team matters more than you know, and as a leader, you'll have to play a more direct role in ensuring the team works well together. One of the most important roles is helping them improve their confidence. Part of the ways on how to build a confident team is to empower them and build them up emotionally. Today we ask our guest, Brett Stevens, founder, and CEO of FOHSE, Inc., to join us for a conversation on how to build a confident team. Inc Magazine ranked his company #19 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list with 14,708% 3-Year Growth. FOHSE. is a rising star in indoor horticulture lighting application and research. They are the leading manufacturer of high-performance LED grow lights designed for cannabis cultivation. In this episode, Brett shares how to build a confident team and what does it takes to create high-level growth. He also talks about the importance of hiring people with emotional maturity. Discover these most effective strategies to maximize your company's growth.
Get the show notes for How to Build a Confident Team for Massive Growth with Brett Stevens at FOHSE Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BrettStevens with your host @GeneHammett
#HowtoBuildaConfidentTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2022 #GHepisode923 #LEDgrowlightsdesigned #CannabisCultivation
Sun, 18 September 2022
To improve alignment within the organization is a powerful strategy. It helps achieve goals faster, overcome challenges, and create a unifying workplace culture. To do this effectively, you have to start with a strong foundation. Tune in to this special episode and discover ways to improve organizational alignment across your team. I'm Gene Hammett, an executive coach with over ten years of experience working with CEOs and their executive teams. I have developed frameworks and insights to help you and your company grow. In this special episode, I shared ways to improve alignment across a team and why every company needs to implement them. Learn different leadership development strategies that would create growth for your company.
Get the show notes for Two Ways to Improve Organizational Alignment Across a Team - Behind the Scenes Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank - Behind the Scenes @GeneHammett
#ImproveAlignment #BehindTheScene #GeneHammettPodcast #Leadership #GHepisode922 #Podcasts #Frameworks #Insights
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Thu, 15 September 2022
Throughout the years, successful businesses have learned the importance of having the right culture in a company. Culture matters, and it makes every company unique. Having the right culture builds trust, respect, and the opportunity for employees to participate in shared values and passion. Today's guest is Jane Zhu, Founder, and CEO of Marie Nicole Clothing, together with their HR Manager Emily Moses. Inc Magazine ranked her company #23 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list with 14,106% 3-Year Growth. Marie Nicole Clothing is a children's clothing company providing adorable, affordable, and comfortable attire. Its mission is to bring high-quality children's clothing directly from the manufacturer to your doorstep, without additional costs. In this episode, Jane shares the importance of having the right culture and why it's essential to a company’s success. She also talked about creating a safe place for her employees and how it can foster new levels of creativity in the workplace. Discover the importance of hiring the right professional and how it became a key factor to their growth as a company.
Get the show notes for A 3 Year Revenue Growth of 14,016% by Having the Right Culture with Marie Nicole Clothing Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JaneZhu #EmilyMoses with your host @GeneHammett
#HavingTheRightCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode921 #GeneHammett #ChildrenClothing
Direct download: 921_Jane_Zhu_and_Emily_Moses_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 11 September 2022
As a leader, your to-do list can be overwhelming. The constant feeling that you're running behind and that what you're doing is not enough. Feeling the cycle of overwhelm is often the initial sign that things are not sustainable. It can disrupt your work-life balance and produces high levels of physical and emotional stress. If you feel like your life is spinning out of control, tune in to this special episode and discover how to End the Cycle of Overwhelm. I'm Gene Hammett, an executive coach, and my job is to help YOU grow as a leader. After studying the leadership of fast-growth companies — the Inc 5000 — I have discovered how their approach to leadership activates growth. In this special episode, I shared techniques that will help leaders end the cycle of overwhelm and how the change begins with yourself. Learn different thinking habits and how they would make a big difference.
Get the show notes for How to End the Cycle of Overwhelm - Special Episode Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank #SpecialEpisode with your host @GeneHammett
#CycleofOverwhelm #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode920 #GeneHammett #EndtheCycleofOverwhelm
Thu, 8 September 2022
An effective leader knows it is necessary to give employees space and time to innovate. Give employees space to think, share ideas, and create ways to solve problems. Leadership is about supporting the people around you, empowering them, and allowing them to contribute their knowledge so that the team can become more than the sum of its parts. Today’s guest is Tom Wheelwright, founder, and CEO of WealthAbility and Best-Selling Author of Tax-Free Wealth. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3326 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. WealthAbility is a financial education company equipping entrepreneurs and investors with the information and systems they need to reduce taxes legally. Tom shares how he gives employees space to think, and it helps them develop leaders faster. He also talked about allowing employees to think differently within the workplace to boost creativity and productivity and improve motivation. Discover how getting people to own it helped them to grow.
Get the show notes for Give Employees Space to Think Differently with Tom Wheelwright at WealthAbility Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #TomWheelwright with your host @GeneHammett
#GiveEmployeesSpace #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode919 #financialeducationcompany #CPA #taxexpert
Sun, 4 September 2022
Quiet Quitting is about doing the bare minimum at work. It's about doing what is only required of you without telling your boss you're leaving. In this special episode, our CEO, Amanda Hammett, joins us for a conversation on what leaders should know about Quiet Quitting and how to prevent it in the workplace. Amanda is an expert on young leaders in the workforce and the host of the Next Generation Rockstars podcast. She talks with millennials and their leaders to see what is working to create rockstars in today's ever-changing workforce. In this episode, we will share some insights on how to recognize and prevent quiet quitting as a leader of a fast-growing company. Discover the most common reasons why Quiet Quitting happens and why investing in your leaders is necessary. Learn the key areas you need to focus on if you want your leaders to be well-equipped in this pivotal situation.
Get the show notes for How Leaders Can Prevent Quiet Quitting - Special Episode Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AmandaHammett with your host @GeneHammett
#QuietQuitters #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode918 #boomers #genX #millennials #genZ
Direct download: 918_Gene_Hammett_and_Amanda_Hammett_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 1 September 2022
Leadership principles are essential for management professionals to have so they can accomplish their business goals. While there are several styles of leadership and unique theories, all great leaders have similar leadership principles that help them find success. Today’s guest is Joseph Hansen, founder and CEO of Buy Box Experts. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2186 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Buy Box Experts is a marketing agency for medium to large online sellers and investors of businesses selling on Amazon. They provide website owners and Marketplace sellers with strategic and technical expertise to increase sales velocity and profitability. In this episode, Joseph shares some essential leadership principles that would help you grow your business and how being authentic helps drive company culture. He also talked about the importance of values, how he organizes them into core values and aspirations, and why he does it that way. Discover why having self-awareness is crucial and why it is considered one of the fundamental parts of leadership strengths.
Get the show notes for The Principles of Leadership that Drive Growth with Joseph Hansen at Buy Box Experts Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JosephHansen with your host @GeneHammett
#PrinciplesofLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode917 #marketingagency #investorsofbusinesses #Amazon
Sun, 28 August 2022
Having the right culture makes all the difference. Successful companies typically have to put a great deal of attention into setting up the right culture that aligns with their mission, vision, and values. Setting up the right culture is hugely important to the success and overall health of your company, people, and customers. For it boosts productivity, decreases turnover, and improves employee engagement. Today’s guest is Chintan Shah, founder, and CEO of Brainvire Infotech. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2261 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Brainvire Infotech is a reliable IT consultancy and Digital Enabler that has transformed many businesses. They are committed to offering time-tested contributions by innovation in the field of Information technology. In this episode, Chintan talks about setting up the right culture, and a lot of this comes from his background of an entrepreneurial family. He also shares how a company can thrive by putting people first and the importance of hiring people with the right attitude if you want the right culture.
Get the show notes for Setting Up the Right Culture for Growth with Chintan Shah at Brainvire Infotech Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChintanShah with your host @GeneHammett
#SettingUpTheRightCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode916 #ITconsultancy #DigitalEnabler
Thu, 25 August 2022
Trust is the foundation of company success. Building trust in a team is just as important as building your brand. Employees must believe in each other. Because when they don’t, communication, teamwork, and performance inevitably suffer. Today’s guest is Charles Feltman, founder, and owner of Insight Coaching. Insight Coaching is a sole proprietorship that has been in business in California since founded in 1992. They served a wide variety of individuals and companies with coaching, consulting, and training. Charles brings us decades of experience and practical insight into building trust in a team. He talks about every leader’s role in building trust in the team and how it is up to the leader to make the first move to earn the trust of their followers. Not only does the leader have to earn trust, but the leader also has to grant trust to others, so they feel empowered to act responsibly and with authority to achieve the goals set before them. Discover why psychological safety plays a dominant role in highly effective teams.
Get the show notes for Building Trust in a Team Environment with Charles Feltman - Cycle of Commitment Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChrisPrefontaine with your host @GeneHammett
#BuildingTrustinaTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode915 #ExecutiveCoach
Sun, 21 August 2022
Leaders all across the world would say that one of the most important aspects in creating the kind of growth that is necessary is getting everyone in the company aligned. Every leader should start looking at the bigger picture and understand everyone’s role within the company. Good employee alignment is essential to helping employees stay focused and maximizing profits for the company. Today’s guest is Chris Prefontaine, CEO, and founder of Wicked Smart. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3938 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Wicked Smart empowers individuals and families to create the life of their dreams. They encourage aspiring investors and entrepreneurs to take the first step towards creating REAL income with real estate. In this episode, Chris shares how the company grew together at the same rate and direction. We also discuss how sharing customer stories on how their life was changed and the impact the team has made on them kept employees aligned.
Get the show notes for Getting Everybody Aligned Creates Growth with Chris Prefontaine at Wicked Smart Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChrisPrefontaine with your host @GeneHammett
#GettingEveryoneAligned #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode914 #DBASmartRealEstateCoach #RealEstateCoach
Direct download: 914_Chris_Prefontaine_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 18 August 2022
Always treat your employees precisely as you want them to treat your best customers. Employees who believe that leaders are concerned about them as a whole person, not just an employee, are more productive, more satisfied, and more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability. Today’s guest is Matthew Davis, CEO, and Owner of Davis Business Law. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2987 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Davis Law is a group of dedicated general counsel and litigation experts for business clients of all sizes. Their goal is to provide a solid foundation for growth while preventing and eliminating legal problems. They transform how companies operate by enhancing and systematizing procedures to minimize legal mishaps and maximize growth. Matthew shares how he treats employees like internal customers and gives them a work-life balance. We discuss why it's important in growing your business and retaining employees. Discover how to take your business to the next level and continue to grow in scale the way you want it to.
Get the show notes for Leaders treat employees like internal customers with Matthew Davis at Davis Business Law Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MatthewDavis with your host @GeneHammett
#Leaderstreatemployees #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode913 #BusinessLaw #businesslawyers
Sun, 14 August 2022
Every leader I know wants their employees to solve their own problems. Leaders who solve problems for their people are considered micro managers. When employees solve their own problems, they feel more empowered. Today’s guest is Lee Deaner, Founder & CEO at Leading Edge Training Solutions. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2207 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Leading Edge Training Solutions helps companies both large and small take huge steps forward in how they reach, train, and inform their sales force. They build highly customized virtual programs that are learner focused and utilize a combination of technology, production, and web conferencing platforms in unconventional ways. Lee shares his thoughts on how employees think and solve their challenges. We discuss how mistakes are a necessary part of the innovation process because from mistakes comes learning. Discover how to shift your leadership so that employees solve their own problems.
Get the show notes for Leading Employees To Solve Their Own Problems with Lee Deaner at Leading Edge Training Solutions Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #LeeDeaner with your host @GeneHammett
#EmployeesToSolveTheirOwn Problems #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode912 #webconferencingplatforms
Thu, 11 August 2022
Leadership comes in many shapes, forms, and people. Across the history, many great leaders have emerged with exceptional leadership styles in providing guidance, executing plans, and motivating people. Today’s guest is Brandon Knudsen, Co-Founder & CEO at Ziggi’s Coffee. Inc Magazine ranked its company #1421 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Ziggi’s Coffee is a leading specialty coffee shop and drive-thru franchise with 50 locations nationwide. Dedicated to serving only the finest sustainably-sourced coffee, uniquely handcrafted drinks, and amazing locally-made breakfast, lunch, and snack options. Brandon Knudsen shares his thoughts on leadership styles. Discover how different leadership styles apply to driving the growth of the company. We discuss how he overcame challenges and the things he learned along the way.
Get the show notes for Leadership Styles that Drive Growth with Brandon Knudsen at Ziggi's Coffee Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BrandonKnudsen with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadershipStyles #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode911 #coffeeshop #drivethrufranchise
Sun, 7 August 2022
Leadership mindset is very important for the growth of the company. It involves having certain attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that create the foundation of who you are, how you lead others, and how you interact with and influence your colleagues. Today’s guest is Nathan Miller, Founder & CEO at Rentec Direct. Inc Magazine ranked its company #2887 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Rentec Direct serves as a web-based, full-featured property management software for landlords and property managers. Nathan shares his thoughts on how leadership mindset drives growth. We discuss the importance of employees and creating a family culture. We dived into the some core aspects of leadership mindset to help employees be a stronger leader and drive growth for the company.
Get the show notes for The Leadership Mindset Drives Growth with Nathan Miller at Rentec Direct Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #NathanMiller with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadershipMindsetDrivesGrowth #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode910 #propertymanagementsoftware
Thu, 4 August 2022
Every leader knows that culture is essential. Building a culture matters not just to the employees but also impacts the company's financials. The companies on the Inc 5000 typically have put a great deal of attention on building a culture that aligns with the company's mission, vision, and values. Today's guest is Ahad Khan, CEO at Kajabi. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1136 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Kajabi is an all-in-one platform streamlining online business management, providing access to a client's website, products, marketing, community, and more from a single dashboard. Ahad shares his thoughts on building a culture. We discuss how to make work exciting and why that matters to the bottom line. Discover how building a culture leads to a more aligned company.
Get the show notes for Building a Culture that is an Ambitious, Fun, and Exciting with Ahad Khan at Kajabi Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AhadKhan with your host @GeneHammett
#BuildingACulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode909 #allinoneplatform #singledashboard
Sun, 31 July 2022
Distractions don't just pull us away from our work. They impede us on personal growth. As you grow your company, being relentlessly focused becomes even more critical than when you started. Today's guest is Patrick Ghilani, Chief Executive Officer at MRI Software LLC. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2820 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. MRI Software is a leading real estate software solution provider that transforms communities' lives, works, and plays. Patrick shares his thoughts on being relentlessly focused and why it matters. We talk about what gets in the way of focus. Discover the mindset changes required to being relentlessly focused.
Get the show notes for Growth Comes From Being Relentlessly Focused with Patrick Ghilani at MRI Software Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #PatrickGhilani with your host @GeneHammett
#BeingRelentlesslyFocused #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode908 #realestate #realestatesoftware
Thu, 28 July 2022
The future requires you to embrace remote work. Leading remote teams is a new skill set that has emerged over the last few years. Some of the leadership strategies that used to work just don’t anymore. Today’s guest is Alex Faust, COO & Orchestrator at Growth Institute. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3952 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Growth Institute is the premiere online training company for mid-market companies around the world. Alex gives you insights on leading remote teams. We look at things you have to unlearn from old styles of leadership. Discover the skills of leading remote teams in this interview.
Get the show notes for Leading Remote Teams in Today's Workplace with Alex Faust at Growth Institute Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AlexFaust with your host @GeneHammett
#Leadingremoteteams #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode907 #onlinetrainingcompany
Sun, 24 July 2022
Scaling your business is often the goal. This means growth in revenue, optimizing your systems, and developing authentic leaders. When scaling your business the right way, you get to experience the full potential of your business. Today’s guest is Craig Swanson, Partner at KaisaFit. KaisaFit is partnering with personal trainer, fitness educator, and social media influencer Kaisa Keranen, they are building JUST MOVE, an online fitness platform with hundreds of on-demand, at-home workouts that fit any mood, any activity level, and anybody. Craig discusses scaling your business and the strategies that matter the most. He outlines what gets in the way of growth. Discover the keys to scaling your business.
Get the show notes for Scaling Your Business a Different Take with Craig Swanson Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #CraigSwanson with your host @GeneHammett
#ScalingYourBusiness #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode906 #growthinrevenue #optimizingyoursystems
Thu, 21 July 2022
Reimagining company culture will allow you to create the company of your dreams. Having a company that people love and know how to do the job passionately requires authentic leadership. Today’s guest is Michel Falcon, Founder, CEO at Brasa Peruvian Kitchen. Brasa Peruvian Kitchen is a fast-casual restaurant serving everyday salads and warm bowls with real Peruvian flavours. Their menu has been designed by Peruvian-born chefs from Toronto and New York. Their menu is "flavour-first" supported by nutrient-dense ingredients and full meals you can eat daily. Michel and I talk about reimagining company culture. He shares how he changed the game in an industry with a high turnover. When reimagining company culture, you have to start with your leadership.
Get the show notes for Reimagining Company Culture with Michel Falcon at Brasa Peruvian Kitchen Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MichelFalcon with your host @GeneHammett
#ReimaginingCompanyCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode905 #fastcasualrestaurant #Peruvianflavours
Sun, 17 July 2022
Being an honest leader may seem like a given. However, being honest with your team is not for every leader. Many leaders don’t like to share the bad news. I believe in transparency. Today’s guest is Brian Burke, Chief Mac Man at Inc Magazine ranked its company #4794 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. is a trusted buyer and seller of used Apple products, through a simple online platform. Brian gives you insights on being honest with your team. We discuss why leaders must be transparent. We also look at what gets in the way of being honest.
Get the show notes for Being Honest with Your Team is a Path to Growth with Brian Burke at Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BrianBurke with your host @GeneHammett
#BeingHonestWithYourTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode904 #buyerandseller #Appleproducts
Thu, 14 July 2022
How you think matters more than you know. What you do is essential, and it all comes from your mindset for improvement. Today’s guest is George Breiwa, Founder of DynaVap. Inc Magazine ranked its company #1084 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. DynaVap is a manufacturer of aromatherapy vaporizers that can use nearly any available heat source. DynaVap was born with the primary goal of creating simple, battery-free Thermal Extraction Devices (TEDs). George discusses his mindset of improvement and how it relates to company growth. If you want to evolve, you have to be willing to change how you think. Having a mindset of improvement gives you the power to grow.
Get the show notes for The Mindset of Improvement with George Breiwa at DynaVap Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #GeorgeBreiwa with your host @GeneHammett
#MindsetofImprovement #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode903 #aromatherapyvaporizers #ThermalExtractionDevices
Sun, 10 July 2022
Keeping the right talent will give you an edge in company growth. The job market right now is insane. When you have the strategies, your people are aligned with your company's mission. Today’s guest is Josh Becerra, President and Founding Partner at Augurian. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1976 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Augurian was founded to give digital marketing executives confidence in their marketing investments. Josh and I talk about keeping the right talent and why it matters if you want to grow your company. We share the strategies that are working right now. Discover how keeping the right talent says more about your leadership than your business.
Get the show notes for Keeping the Right Talent with Josh Becerra at Augurian Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JoshBecerra with your host @GeneHammett
#KeepingtheRightTalent #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode902 #digitalmarketing #marketinginvestments
Sun, 3 July 2022
Employees are demanding flexibility. Flexibility can work, but it causes specific challenges. One big challenge is how to keep the culture with remote workers. Today’s guest is Ryan Thogmartin, Owner & CEO at DISRUPT Media. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4740 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. DISRUPT Media is a full-service social media management and content agency dedicated to the funeral profession. Ryan shares how to keep culture with remote workers in today’s marketplace. We discuss the strategies that are working. Discover the keys to keep the culture with remote workers in this interview.
Get the show notes for Keep the Culture with Remote Workers with Ryan Thogmartin at DISRUPT Media Group Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #RyanThogmartin with your host @GeneHammett
#KeeptheCulturewithRemoteWorkers #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode901 #socialmediamanagement #contentagency
Thu, 30 June 2022
This is our 900th episode of the podcast. We celebrate by asking our CEO, Amanda Hammett, to join us for a conversation on how to develop your leaders. Amanda is an expert on young leaders in the workforce. She has been leading our leadership development program over the last three years. We explore the data we have collected and discuss three essential elements in how to develop your leaders. We share some insights about self-evaluation that we think are important. Learn the key areas you need to focus on if you want to develop your emerging leaders. Discover how to develop your leaders in this special episode of the podcast.
Get the show notes for How to Develop Your Leaders - What it is Missing with Gene Hammett and Amanda Hammett Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AmandaHammett with your host @GeneHammett
#HowtoDevelopYourLeaders #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode900 #emergingleaders #difficultconversations
Direct download: 900_Gene_Hammett_and_Amanda_Hammett_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 26 June 2022
Getting your people on the same page is a phrase we often hear. What they mean is having alignment on vision of the company's future. From there, you get alignment on strategy and projects that build momentum. Today's guest is George Baker, Founder, Chairman & CEO at ParkHub. Inc Magazine ranked its company #3172 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. is a complete parking ecosystem that offers premiere enterprise solutions to the industry's top management and operating companies. George talks about alignment on vision and why it matters. Discover how you create alignment on vision that drives your business forward.
Get the show notes for Alignment on Vision is Required for Fast-Growth with George Baker at ParkHub Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #GeorgeBaker with your host @GeneHammett
#AlignmentonVision #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode899 #completeparkingecosystem
Thu, 23 June 2022
Every business is stretched in many directions and has competing priorities. In this interview, we look at a new concept for many leaders - being a culture first organization. Today’s guest is Brett Curry, CEO at OMG Commerce. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1651 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. OMG Commerce is a digital marketing agency specializing in e-commerce strategies and tactics that grow traffic and result in increased ad conversions. Brett and I share why culture first is a movement you want to pay attention to. We look at the essential elements of culture first so you can integrate what makes sense for you. Discover how culture first can change your current strategy and bottom line.
Get the show notes for Culture First Drives Growth with Brett Curry at OMG Commerce Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BrettCurry with your host @GeneHammett
#CultureFirst #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode897 #digitalmarketingagency #ecommercestrategies
Sun, 19 June 2022
Attracting Quality People and Excellent Levels of Service with Peter Green at MASSIE R&D Tax Credits
The two biggest challenges in business today are attracting quality people and retaining them. In this interview, we dive into attracting quality people to help you scale your business. Today’s guest is Peter Green, CEO at MASSIE R&D Tax Credits. Inc Magazine ranked its company #3465 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. MASSIE R&D Tax Credits is an innovators in R&D tax credits helps clients identify tax savings opportunities and work with the IRS to capture those benefits. Peter discusses the importance of attracting quality people to your mission. We discuss today’s crazy job market. If you struggle attracting quality people to your company, you want to lean into today’s interview.
Get the show notes for Attracting Quality People and Excellent Levels of Service with Peter Green at MASSIE R&D Tax Credits Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #PeterGreen with your host @GeneHammett
#AttractingQualityPeople #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode897 #taxsavingsopportunities #R&Dtaxcredit
Thu, 16 June 2022
Most believe that business is won and lost on the external work like strategy and execution. I happen to think that much of success begins internally. In this interview, we look at the importance of perpetual optimism. Today's guest is Allison Minutillo, President & Owner at Rebel Interactive Group. Inc Magazine ranked her company #1842 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Rebel Interactive Group is a digital marketing agency that creates ad campaigns and website and app development for clients from major corporations to small businesses. Allison's perpetual optimism is a massive driver in company growth. We look at why it matters. Join us for a conversation on perpetual optimism that will impact your bottom line and overall happiness.
Get the show notes for Perpetual Optimism is a Force Multiplier with Allison Minutillo with Rebel Interactive Group Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AllisonMinutillo with your host @GeneHammett
#PerpetualOptimism #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode896 #digitalmarketingagency
Direct download: 896_Allison_Minutillo_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 12 June 2022
You likely feel the pain of getting more done in fewer hours. Maybe you need to hire people or have more work than people. No matter what is happening, work-life balance matters. Today’s guest is Marc Reifenrath, CEO at Spinutech. Inc Magazine ranked its company #2700 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Spinutech is a full-service, all-digital marketing agency providing SEO, social, CRO, data/analytics, paid media, content, design, development, etc. Marc and I engage on why work-life balance matters. We look at where most people get it wrong. Join us for new insight on how work-life balance matters.
Get the show notes for Work-Life Balance Matters Long-term with Marc Reifenrath at Spinutech Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MarcReifenrath with your host @GeneHammett
#worklifebalancematters #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode895 #digitalmarketingagency
Thu, 9 June 2022
The current job market for employers is extremely tough. Many companies are struggling with the ideas of working from home, being in the office, and how to do you manage hybrid work. I want to look at one part of hiring today - hiring location-independent employees. Today’s guest is Jeffrey Wilhelm, Founder & CEO at Infused Innovations. Inc Magazine ranked its company #2345 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Infused Innovations consultants about operations at the intersection of technology, business, data, and human interaction. Jeffery talks about hiring location-independent employees as a way to grow your business. We discuss the challenges and the opportunities of hiring location-independent employees.
Get the show notes for Hiring Location-Independent Employees with Jeff Wilhelm at Infused Innovations Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JeffreyWilhelm with your host @GeneHammett
#HiringLocationIndependentEmployees #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode894 #consultants #humaninteraction
Sun, 5 June 2022
The effects of having the right leadership will change not just the culture but your bottom line. Powerful leadership is a competitive advantage when developing your people into leaders. Today’s guest is Jayesh Mori, Chief Executive Officer at RapidOps. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1050 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Rapidops Inc. is a technology, transformation, and analytics company. They help clients design, engineer, and launch advanced digital products and platforms that enable them to thrive and achieve more for their customers. Jayesh shares insights on having the right leadership to grow your company. We look at want gets in the way of leadership. Discover how having the right leadership impacts the people on the company's mission.
Get the show notes for Having the Right Leadership for Growth with Jayesh Mori at Rapidops Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JayeshMori with your host @GeneHammett
#HavingtheRightLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode893 #analyticstransformationtechnologycompany
Sun, 5 June 2022
The effects of having the right leadership will change not just the culture but your bottom line. Powerful leadership is a competitive advantage when developing your people into leaders. Today’s guest is Jayesh Mori, Chief Executive Officer at RapidOps. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1050 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Rapidops Inc. is a technology, transformation, and analytics company. They help clients design, engineer, and launch advanced digital products and platforms that enable them to thrive and achieve more for their customers. Jayesh shares insights on having the right leadership to grow your company. We look at want gets in the way of leadership. Discover how having the right leadership impacts the people on the company's mission.
Get the show notes for Having the Right Leadership for Growth with Jayesh Mori at Rapidops Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JayeshMori with your host @GeneHammett
#HavingtheRightLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode893 #analyticstransformationtechnologycompany
Thu, 2 June 2022
The fight for talent is real. Many companies are struggling to make sense of it. The leaders I see making it right now believe in people over profit. This is more than just a trendy phrase too. Putting people first gives them freedom, flexibility and a place to grow. Today’s guest is Chris Palmer, Founder and CEO at SupplyKick. SupplyKick is a top Amazon seller and agency providing brands with expert strategy and solutions to win on today’s leading marketplaces. They optimize and execute marketing, advertising, logistics, creative services, and brand management for hundreds of partners across consumer categories. Chris talks about why you must believe in people over profit. We look at the thinking that often gets in the way of this big idea. Discover the strategies and why you want to believe in people over profit, especially in today’s world.
Get the show notes for We Grow Because We Believe in People Over Profit with Chris Palmer at Supply Kick Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChrisPalmer with your host @GeneHammett
#believeinpeopleoverprofit #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode892 #topAmazonseller #agencyprovidingbrands
Sun, 29 May 2022
Being a servant leader may sound like it is easy, but let me tell you that some of it is not natural. Serving the team around you can be hard when you are expected to create profits and drive innovation. Yet being a servant leader is a powerful way to lead. Today’s guest is Matt Kestian, CEO at 66degrees. 66degrees is a Google Cloud Premier Partner that believes great engineering takes heart. As a Google Cloud Premier Partner, they empower technologists to master the cloud with an end-to-end approach to security, infrastructure, app development, and day-to-day collaboration. Matt shares with you his experiences of being a servant leader. We discuss how he uses servant leadership as his company grows. Discover how being a servant leader can impact your culture and bottom line.
Get the show notes for The Journey of Being a Servant Leader with Matt Kestian at 66 Degrees Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MattKestian with your host @GeneHammett
#BeingaServantLeader #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode891 #GoogleCloudPremierPartner #empowertechnologists
Thu, 26 May 2022
Most leaders know the value of investing in their business. Some see the importance of investing in people. Today’s guest is Janet Casey, President & Founder, and Kate Popp, Director of Sales at Marketing Doctor. Inc Magazine ranked its company #1063 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Marketing Doctor is a marketing agency specializing in media buying for digital and traditional marketing, including online, social media, print, television, and radio. Janet and I discuss why investing in people matters more now than ever. She shares why it matters to attract top talent. Discover the strategies that have paid off when investing in people.
Get the show notes for Investing in People Drives Growth with Janet Casey and Kate Popp at Marketing Doctor Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JanetCasey and #KatePopp with your host @GeneHammett
#InvestinginPeople #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode890 #marketingagency #digitalandtraditionalmarketing
Direct download: 890_Janet_Casey_and_Kate_Popp_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 22 May 2022
The advantages of a strong culture may seem obvious. However, many leaders are not investing time, energy, and money to create a strong culture. Today’s guest is Dr. Jason Helfrich, Co-Founder & CEO at 100% Chiropractic. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1230 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. 100% Chiropractic is a family of full-service wellness clinics that offer cutting-edge chiropractic care, massage therapy, and a full line of supreme quality nutritional supplements. Jason and I talk about the benefits of a strong culture. He has built a great business through one big idea - a strong culture matters more than you know. Discover how you can create a foundation of a strong culture.
Get the show notes for Developing a Strong Culture is Everything with Dr. Jason Helfrich at 100 Percent Chiropractic Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DrJasonHelfrich with your host @GeneHammett
#StrongCulture #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode889 #Chiropractic #massagetherapy
Direct download: 889_Dr._Jason_Helfrich_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 19 May 2022
Many leaders will say they understand diversity and inclusion. Today we look at how embracing D&I drives growth. Today’s guest is Wale Mafolasire, Founder & CEO at Givelify. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1065 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Givelify is an online giving platform and mobile donation app that makes giving and receiving digital donations convenient, simple, and secure. Wale discusses how D&I drives growth. I learned a ton in this interview about diversity and inclusion. Discover why you want to embrace it and how D&I drives growth.
Get the show notes for D&I drives Growth with Wale Mafolasire at Givelify Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #WaleMafolasire with your host @GeneHammett
#DiversityAndInclusion #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode888 #onlinegivingplatform #mobiledonationapp
Sun, 15 May 2022
Leadership is full of platitudes. Leading from the front is one that makes a ton of sense. Today’s guest is Mark Stanley, Attorney at Law at The Stanley Law Group. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1773 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. The Stanley Law Group has been representing clients in and around Columbia, South Carolina, since 1990. Mark shares his viewpoint on leading from the front and why it matters. We dive into the conversation on leadership that he learned when his father began to step aside. Discover how leading from the front will help you grow your business.
Get the show notes for Leading from the Front with Mark Stanley at Stanley Law Group Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MarkStanley with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingFromTheFront #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode887 #LawFirm #Columbiapersonalinjurylawyers
Thu, 12 May 2022
The world continues to change. Companies that embrace diversity, inclusion, and belonging are meeting change in creative ways. Creating a space for inclusive leaders to join your company will help you drive forward. Today’s guest is Dr. Randal Pinkett, Chairman and CEO at BCT Partners. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4951 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. BCT Partners is a national consulting firm that leverages deep subject-matter expertise, information technology, cultural competence, and a rigorous project management methodology. Dr. Randal and I discuss why inclusive leaders are so influential right now. He gives you many examples of how inclusive leaders behave. Join us in this interview to grasp the power of inclusivity.
Get the show notes for Discover the Power of Inclusive Leadership with Dr. Randal Pinkett with BCT Partners Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DrRandalPinkett with your host @GeneHammett
#Inclusive Leaders #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode886 #nationalconsultingfirm #subjectmatterexpertise
Direct download: 886_Dr._Randal_Pinkett_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Leaders must execute company strategies and reach company goals to be considered effective. This is a requirement, but leaders must also develop other leaders. From my perspective, it is just as crucial as getting the job done. Today’s guest is Blake Bozarth, Founder & CEO at CoThryve. CoThryve develops highly effective, mission-driven leaders who are connected and committed to your company through collective leadership development and coaching. Blake gives you insights on how to develop other leaders. Join us to talk about the art of creating others. Discover how to develop other leaders while executing at a high level simultaneously.
Get the show notes for Developing Other Leaders in Today's World with Blake Bozarth with CoThryve Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BlakeBozarth with your host @GeneHammett
#DevelopOtherLeaders #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode885 #collectiveleadershipdevelopment #missiondrivenleaders
Thu, 5 May 2022
Leadership can be difficult and even unnatural at times. The ups and downs come fast at you. One crucial factor in handling all of this is being a humble leader. It takes a dose of patience for sure to be a humble leader. Today’s guest is Shaun Sexton, Founder at Skynet Innovations. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1742 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Skynet Innovations is an information technology consulting firm of IT professionals with over ten years of skilled technical experience in personalized support and services. Shaun shares why being a humble leader matters to company growth. We look at what often gets in the way of humility. Discover how you can connect to the principles of being a humble leader in this interview.
Get the show notes for Being a Servant and Humble Leader with Shaun Sexton at SKYNET Innovations Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ShaunSexton with your host @GeneHammett
#HumbleLeader #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode884 #ITconsultingfirm #consultingfirmofITprofessionals
Sun, 1 May 2022
Deliberate growth may seem obvious to all leaders, but many are not willing to put in the work it takes for it to happen. Today’s guest is Carol Daniel, President at QTEC Aerospace. Inc Magazine ranked her company #4880 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. QTEC provides an in-depth understanding of engineering, project management, engineering analysis, and operations/logistics – across life cycles and domains. Carol gives us her insights on deliberate growth and the strategies that have impacted her company. Discover what it takes to lead deliberate growth.
Get the show notes for Why Deliberate Growth Works for QTEC Aerospace with Carol Daniel Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #CarolDaniel with your host @GeneHammett
#DeliberateGrowth #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode883 #engineeringanalysis #projectmanagement
Thu, 28 April 2022
Growth will always require discovering new strategies and shifts in your mindset. Many leaders are not willing to make time to find new ideas. Today’s guest is Todd Conklin, CEO & Head Coach at Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3522 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties and Coldwell Banker Commercial Prime Properties is a family of professionals dedicated to creating exceptional real estate experiences for their customers and communities. Todd shares his mantra of “Learning Everything” in this interview. We look at the ever-changing aspects of business growth so you can discover why learning everything is so important -- and what it means.
Get the show notes for Always Be Learning Everything with Todd Conklin at Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ToddConklin with your host @GeneHammett
#LearningEverything #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode882 #realestate
Sun, 24 April 2022
Innovation takes a different style of leadership. When you want to empower employees to innovate, you want to create a place of psychological safety. This means that failure is part of the path. This is an absolute requirement when innovation is the goal. Today’s guest is Keith Murphy, CEO & Founder at Astrawatt Solar. Astrawatt Solar specializes in the design, engineering, and installation of premium solar energy products. Keith and I talk about how to empower employees to innovate. He shares what is working for his team. Discover what it takes to empower employees to innovate in today’s fast-paced world.
Get the show notes for How to Empower Employees to Innovate with Keith Murphy at Astrawatt Solar Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KeithMurphy with your host @GeneHammett
#EmpowerEmployeestoInnovate #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode881 #premiumsolarenergy
Thu, 21 April 2022
Many leaders are afraid to share everything with their people. I talk to so many CEOs who embrace sharing almost everything with their people that I believe it is essential. The value of transparency can’t be overlooked if you want your employees to feel like owners. Today’s guest is Liz Steblay, Founder & President at PrōKo Agency. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4610 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. ProKo is the “Creative Artists Agency” for over 75 independent consultants specializing in organizational effectiveness and HR. Liz gives you insights on the value of transparency and the things she has learned the hard way. Discover how vital transparency is to company growth.
Get the show notes for The Value of Transparency with Liz Steblay at ProKo Agency Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #LizSteblay with your host @GeneHammett
#ValueofTransparency #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode880 #CreativeArtistsAgency
Tue, 19 April 2022
Leading through innovation is required if you want to be a market leader. The skills to drive new ideas to market that make a difference for your clients will give you an advantage over your peers. Today’s guest is Kathleen Brunner, President & CEO at Acumen Analytics. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1597 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Acumen is an innovation leader, helping Life Sciences win the race against time through data and technology solutions that enable intelligent digital transformation. Kathleen talks about leading through innovation. We dive into how to create new strategies and business models in this interview. Discover how leading through innovation will drive growth for your business.
Get the show notes for Leading through Innovation with Kathleen Brunner at Acumen Analytics Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KathleenBrunner with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingThroughInnovation #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode879 #intelligentdigitaltransformation
Sun, 17 April 2022
Every business wants to make money. However, when you believe mission is more than important than money, you will create a company that makes a difference. The by-product is also likely to a business that drives incredible profits. Today’s guest is Kevin Stoller, Co-Founder & President at Kay-Twelve. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2174 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Kay-Twelve helps educational leaders transform their ineffective learning environments into innovative and collaborative spaces by providing furniture that encourages greater partnership among students, more student/teacher engagement, and a fully collaborative setting for learning to happen. Kevin lights up when it comes to the mission more than money. We look at how their company mission aligns and propels the business forward.
Get the show notes for Mission More than Money with Kevin Stoller at Kay-Twelve Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KevinStoller with your host @GeneHammett
#MissionMoreThanMoney #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode878 #FurnitureforInnovativeLearningEnvironments
Thu, 14 April 2022
Every business will face a change in strategy at some point. The skills of leading through challenging times will align your resources and give everyone hope for better times. Today’s guest is Noah Dentzel, CEO & Co-founder at Nomad Goods. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1523 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Nomad is a consumer electronics and lifestyle products company based in Santa Barbara, California. Noah shares his insights on leading through difficult times. He gives you some practical perspective on what to do when the business goes through a tough stretch. When you are leading through difficult times, you give your organization a vision of a brighter future ahead.
Get the show notes for Leading through Difficult Times with Noah Dentzel at Nomad Goods Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #NoahDentzel with your host @GeneHammett
#LeadingThroughDifficultTimes #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode877 #electronicsandlifestyleproducts
Tue, 12 April 2022
Navigating a business pivot requires strong leadership so that people stay aligned. Businesses often have to change strategies. The challenge that you must address when navigating a business pivot is how do you make sure the people believe it is possible. Today’s guest is Guy Ironi, CEO at NutriFresh Services. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1324 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. NutriFresh Services is a national all-in-one HPP, perishable E-Commerce fulfillment, cold & frozen storage, and 3PL under one roof. Guy discusses navigating a business pivot that allows you to align your people. We look at all parts of a new strategy pivot and help you ensure your people buy in to the new direction.
Get the show notes for Navigating a Business Pivot for Fast-Growth with Guy Ironi at Nutrifresh Services Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #GuyIroni with your host @GeneHammett
#NavigatingaBusinessPivot #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode876 #allinoneHPP #ECommerceFulfillment
Sun, 10 April 2022
Every leader wants to create an amazing team. For many, they believe it is something that they need to do to make it work. The reality is you have to also look at what is getting in the of having a great team environment. Today’s guest is Paul Goldman, CEO & Founder at Muserk. Inc Magazine ranked his company #779 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Muserk is a leader in modern global rights management for music and video, driven by cutting-edge AI technology and royalty accounting solutions that protect and monetize content for rights holders worldwide, across all media formats. Paul and I talk about what it takes to create an amazing team. Discover steps that you can take to have better team alignment and higher performance across your organization.
Get the show notes for Creating an Amazing Team with Paul Goldman at Muserk Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #PaulGoldman with your host @GeneHammett
#CreateanAmazingTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode875 #managementformusicandvideo
Thu, 7 April 2022
Every CEO understands the battles of managing priorities. Discover the power of focus and how it is applied to company growth. Today’s guest is Jon Elwell, CEO at Kno2. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1544 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Kno2 is empowering healthcare technology vendors to finally realize the potential of true interoperability by unleashing connectivity everywhere, bringing patients and caregivers together. Jon reveals his thoughts on the power of focus. We discuss the challenges of distraction so that you can understand what gets in the way of your focus.
Get the show notes for The Power of Focus for Growth with Jon Elwell at Kno2 Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JonElwell with your host @GeneHammett
#Power of Focus #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode874 #healthcaretechnology
Tue, 5 April 2022
Company values are the culture’s operating system. Having a values-centric organization means you are operationalizing your values. Today’s guest is Susan Acker-Walsh, CEO & Co-founder at CREO. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1593 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. CREO’s management consulting and advisory services empower life science, healthcare, and technology companies to solve growth challenges. Susan opens up about her understanding of creating a values-centric organization. Discover new ways to leverage your values with daily practices.
Get the show notes for Creating a Values-centric Organization with Susan Acker-Walsh at CREO Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SusanAckerWalsh with your host @GeneHammett
#ValuesCentricOrganization #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode873 #managementconsulting #advisoryservices
Direct download: 873_Susan_Acker-Walsh_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 3 April 2022
CEOs want to create inclusive cultures and provide a strong sense of belonging. One part of that kind of culture is conscientious participation. Discover how this plays a role in company growth. Today’s guest is John Spencer, CEO & Co-founder at BrainGu. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1468 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. BrainGu develops custom DevSecOps software that enables mission success and boasts exceptional user and developer experience by working directly with end-users to solve real-life problems. John and I discuss conscientious participation in our look at powerful leadership.
Get the show notes for Leading Your Team to Conscientious Participation with John Spencer at BrainGu Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JohnSpencer with your host @GeneHammett
#ConscientiousParticipation #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode872 #DevSecOpssoftware
Thu, 31 March 2022
Every company that aims to innovate must have a culture of game-changers. It is not one person that drives innovation -- it takes a team to scale innovation. Today’s guest is Paul Wiltshire, CEO & Founder at Songtradr. Inc Magazine ranked his company #31 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. The Songtradr group is a one-stop music solution company that provides strategic and creative music expertise to global brands, advertising agency networks, media owners, film companies, TV companies, and content creators. Paul shares his insights on creating a culture of game-changers. We look at modern leadership in this interview. Discover the essential elements of a culture of game-changers.
Get the show notes for Creating a Culture of Game Changers with Paul Wiltshire at SongTradr Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #PaulWiltshire with your host @GeneHammett
#CultureofGameChangers #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode871 #musicsolutioncompany #strategicandcreativemusic
Tue, 29 March 2022
One critical part of company growth is hiring the right people. The market for talent is a challenge for many CEOs. Hiring the right people is not part of the solution - it is the solution. Today’s guest is Spencer Hadelman at CEO at Advantage Marketing. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1484 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Advanta Marketing is a Chicago-based marketing and media agency that has demonstrated a powerful understanding of today’s marketing. Spencer and I talk about the importance of hiring the right people to grow your company. He shares his process for hiring and a powerful question to ask in the hiring process. Learn the right strategy when hiring the right people.
Get the show notes for Hiring the Right People with Spencer Hadelman at Advantage Marketing Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SpencerHadelman with your host @GeneHammett
#HiringTheRightPeople #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode870 #marketingandmediaagency
Sun, 27 March 2022
Learn critical elements of the neuroscience of leadership to be a better leader. Leadership is not just execution and getting things done. When you understand the neuroscience of leadership, you will lead with more power. Today’s guest is Dr. Alok Trivedi. Inc Magazine ranked his company #672 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Dr. Alok Trivedi is a consulting company that helps entrepreneurs and leaders become high-performance thinkers by rewiring challenges and transforming their businesses and life. Dr. Trivedi gives you a better understanding of the neuroscience of leadership. We look at the essential elements in the brain’s management of thoughts that drive leadership. Discover how the understanding of the neuroscience of leadership drives growth.
Get the show notes for The Neuroscience of Leadership with Dr. Alok Trivedi Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DrAlokTrivedi with your host @GeneHammett
#NeuroscienceofLeadership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode869 #consultingcompany #rewiringchallenges
Thu, 24 March 2022
Beyond responsibility, you have a state where people feel like owners. This does not require financial ownership like profit sharing or options. I have seen powerful benefits when you give people ownership. Today’s guest is Brent Gibson, President at Construction Simplified. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1392 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Construction Simplified provides construction and consulting services to the residential and commercial markets. Brent shares the benefit when you give people ownership. He will provide you with uncommon insights that you can use to align your employees. When you give people ownership, you connect to their hearts and minds.
Get the show notes for Give People Ownership to Activate Growth with Brent Gibson at Construction Simplified Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #BrentGibson with your host @GeneHammett
#GivePeopleOwnership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode868 #constructionandconsultingservices
Tue, 22 March 2022
CEOs must do many things. However, great CEOs know how to build strong relationships. Even with all the strategies to navigate and execution to oversee, relationships with others are essential to company growth. Today’s guest is David Nour, who is an executive coach. David and I talk about why CEOs must build strong relationships. We look at what gets in the way of these relationships. Discover how you can build strong relationships as a CEO.
Get the show notes for Great CEOs Know How to Build Strong Relationships with David Nour Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #DavidNour with your host @GeneHammett
#BuildStrongRelationships #GeneHammettPodcast #Author #GHepisode867 #ExecutiveCoach
Sun, 20 March 2022
If things are not right at home, it impacts your life at work. As a leader, you want to make sure you can lead effectively at home so you can focus on work when at work. Today’s guest is Yummii Nguyen, who is a coach to parents. We talk about understanding your kids and conscious parenting. Yummii also connects the dots with how business performance and parenting go together. Discover new strategies that will improve your relationship with your kids. Also, learn how to improve your business performance with the same strategy.
Get the show notes for Business Performance and Parenting Well Go Together with Yummii Nguyen Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #YummiiNguyen with your host @GeneHammett
#BusinessPerformance #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode866 #consciousparenting #parenting
Thu, 17 March 2022
Fast-growth companies get lots of things right. One little unknown aspect is how the leaders create a feeling of ownership throughout the company. I have researched this topic for years and love to discuss the concept of employees having the feeling of ownership with other founders. Today’s guest is Sandy Posa, Founding Partner at Force of Nature. Inc Magazine ranked his company #405 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Force of Nature offers appliances that use electricity to convert salt, water & vinegar into a multi-purpose cleaner and EPA registered disinfectant as effective as bleach. Sandy shares how he can create a feeling of ownership at all company levels.
Get the show notes for Creating the Feeling of Ownership that Drives Growth with Sandy Posa with Force of Nature Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #SandyPosa with your host @GeneHammett
#FeelingofOwnership #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode864 #electricitytoconvertsalt #EPAregistereddisinfectant
Tue, 15 March 2022
Great companies focus on creating massive value for their clients. One part of that is having employers that are client advisors. Today’s guest is Abhijit “AV” Verekar, President & CEO at Avèro Advisors. Inc Magazine ranked his company #721 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Avèro Advisors is an “end to end” information technology advisory firm that positions our clients for success through the effective application of tailor-made technology management strategies. AV and I look at the power of creating client advisors within your company. Learn the essential aspect of client advisors, so you leverage the power too.
Get the show notes for How to Get Your Employees to Be Client Advisors with AV with Avero Advisors Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AbhijitVerekar with your host @GeneHammett
#Client Advisors #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode864 #technologyadvisoryfirm #managementstrategies
Direct download: 864_Abhijit_AV_Verekar_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 13 March 2022
Do you have big audacious goals? Discover how to create the unimaginable with our special guest. Keri Ford is the founder and CEO at Elevate with Keri. This elite transformational coaching movement is dedicated to serving and elevating women's emotional intelligence and whole-body wellness. Keri and I discuss how to create the unimaginable. We are both coaches who work with very successful people. Keri works with powerful women to create the unimaginable in every part of their lives.
Get the show notes for Inspire People to Create the Unimaginable with Keri Ford Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KeriFord with your host @GeneHammett
#CreateTheUnimaginable #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode863 #elevatingwomensemotionalintelligence
Thu, 10 March 2022
Investing in Leadership Development is the Path to Growth with Chester Buczynski at Big Lakes Lawncare
Investing in leadership development is a must in today’s marketplace. Employees want to improve their skills and get experience that makes them more valuable. When investing in leadership development, you want to make sure you do it the right way. Today’s guest is Chester Buczynski, Founding CEO at Big Lakes Lawncare. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1174 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Big Lakes Lawn care is a customer-focused, technology-driven lawn and landscape company focused on professionalizing the industry. Chester shares how he is investing in leadership development to grow the company. Learn how you can leverage new strategies for developing your leaders.
Get the show notes for Investing in Leadership Development is the Path to Growth with Chester Buczynski at Big Lakes Lawncare Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #ChesterBuczynski with your host @GeneHammett
#InvestinginLeadershipDevelopment #GeneHammettPodcast #Inc2021 #GHepisode862 #lawnandlandscape company
Direct download: 862_Chester_Buczynski_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Tue, 8 March 2022
Many challenges have arisen with the hybrid-work model caused by recent shifts in employee demands for flexibility. The hybrid-work model is not going away. This is a concept that is here to stay. Today’s guest is Vishal Sunak, Co-Founder & CEO at LinkSquares. Inc Magazine ranked his company #253 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. LinkSquares is the first AI-powered end-to-end contract lifecycle management platform. Vishal discusses his strategies about his company’s hybrid-work model. Discover new strategies in aligning your people while working in a mixture of out-of-office and office.
Get the show notes for Optimizing a Hybrid-work Model for Growth with Vishal Sunak with LinkSquares Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #VishalSunak with your host @GeneHammett
#HybridworkModel #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode861 #Inc2021 #AIpoweredendtoendcontract
Sun, 6 March 2022
Employer Branding is the Intentional Strategy that Aligns People with Mada Seghete with Branch Metrics
Everyone knows the power of branding your company. Let me share with you an emerging concept of employer branding. Discover how you can use this to attract talented people to your company. Today’s guest is Mada Seghete, Co-founder & Managing Director at Branch Metrics. Inc Magazine ranked his company #365 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Branch Metrics is transforming how brands and users interact across digital platforms. Branch Metrics mobile marketing and deep linking solutions are trusted to deliver seamless experiences that increase ROI, decrease wasted spend, and eliminate siloed attribution. Mada gives you insights on employer branding and how you can use it to grow your company. Use the strategies to improve your employer branding to leverage the power of the concept. Get the show notes for Employer Branding is the Intentional Strategy that Align People with Mada Seghete with Branch Metrics Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MadaSeghete with your host @GeneHammett
#EmployerBranding #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode860 #Inc2021 #gotomobilegrowthplatform
Thu, 3 March 2022
Building the right team is essential if you want to scale your company. Hiring and developing your people allow for more creativity. Leaders must develop the skills of building the right team. Today’s guest is Ken Jisser, Founder & CEO at The Pipeline Group. Inc Magazine ranked his company #415 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. The Pipeline Group provides Go-To-Market services for B2B software companies looking to build predictable pipeline. Ken shares his strategies for building the right team. We talk about why this matters more now than ever. Get the show notes for Building the Right Team with Ken Jisser at The Pipeline Group Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #KenJisser with your host @GeneHammett
#BuildingTheRightTeam #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode859 #Inc2021 #GoToMarketservices
Tue, 1 March 2022
Do you want to maximize your company value? Every business owner who wants to sell in the future must understand what they need to do to improve their value now. Today’s guest is John Warrillow, author of “The Art of the Selling Your Business,” and a few others. John is also the founder of The Value Builder System™, host of Built To Sell Radio. John shares the steps to maximize your company value. John has years of experience helping companies increase their value. Discover the steps to maximize your company's value. Get the show notes for Leading Your Company to Maximize Your Company Value with John Warrillow Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JohnWarrillow with your host @GeneHammett #MaximizeYourCompanyValue #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode858 #Author #TheArtoftheSellingYourBusiness Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |
Sun, 27 February 2022
Selecting the right people to join your company is essential to scaling your company. One way to ensure you have a team of empowered people is by hiring independent employees. Today’s guest is Ivan Jarry, CEO at ObvioHealth. Inc Magazine ranked his company # 390 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. ObvioHealth is a global digital health organization providing real-world digital clinical trials that deliver better data. Ivan talks about the importance of hiring independent employees. We share the keys to having the kind of people who make decisions and overcome challenges. Discover why hiring independent employees matters. Get the show notes for Hiring Independent Employees and Retaining Talent with Ivan Jarry at Obvio Health USA Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #IvanJarry with your host @GeneHammett #HiringIndependentEmployees #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode857 #Inc2021 #globaldigitalhealthorganization Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |
Thu, 24 February 2022
The word “managers” is through about and often seen as interchangeable with the word “leaders.” However, the concept of “leaders vs. managers” must be seen as different. Today’s guest is Naveen Jain, Founder, and CEO at Viome. Viome Life Sciences was founded in 2016 with a mission to make illness optional by predicting, reversing, and preventing chronic diseases, cancer, and aging through a deeper understanding of an individual’s biology. Naveen has a unique take on leaders vs. managers to help you understand the differences. Tune in to this powerful interview to spot the signs of those differences. Get the show notes for Leaders vs. Managers from the View of a Extremely Entrepreneur, Naveen Jain at Viome Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #NaveenJain with your host @GeneHammett #leadersvsmanagers #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode856 #GutMicrobiomeTesting #PersonalizedHealthInsights Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |
Tue, 22 February 2022
Every leader knows the challenges of changing strategies and business models. Founders are required to have the skills of leading through a major pivot. Today’s guest is Stephen Aborn, CEO at FreightPlus. Inc Magazine ranked his company #783 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. FreightPlus provider of outsourced managed transportation solutions, using data-driven technology and analysis to reduce costs for midsize and growing companies. Stephen discusses his approach to leading through a major pivot. Discover how you can lead powerfully through change. Get the show notes for Leading through a Major Pivot with Stephen Aborn at Freightplus Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #StephenAborn with your host @GeneHammett #LeadingthroughaMajorPivot #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode855 #Inc2021 #transportationsolutions Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |
Sun, 20 February 2022
Fast-growth companies have one common approach to alignment and cohesion. It is creating a culture of employee ownership. You don't have to use financial tools and strategies to make this happen. Today's guest is Allison Blake and Elisa Van Arnam, Co-founders at SoulKu. Inc Magazine ranked their company #944 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. SoulKu is a mother-owned and operated inspirational jewelry company and is based in Asheville, NC. All of their products are handcrafted by work-from-home moms in Asheville, NC. Allison and Elisa share how employee ownership is a part of their culture. We talk about how profit sharing and options are not required. Get the show notes for Employee Ownership Without Financial Tools with Allison Blake and Elisa Van Arnam at SoulKu Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AllisonBlakeElisaVanArnam with your host @GeneHammett #EmployeeOwnership #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode854 #Inc2021 #inspirationaljewelrycompany Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 854_Allison_Blake_and_Elisa_Van_Arnam_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Thu, 17 February 2022
If you want innovation, then embracing failure is required. You want people to feel safe sharing their ideas, even the crazy ones. Many fast-growth companies have people that are embracing failure in a regular basis. Today’s guest is Evan Horowitz, Co-Founder & CEO at Movers+Shakers. Inc Magazine ranked his company #78 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Movers+Shakers is a disruptive creative agency on a mission to spread joy. By connecting brands to culture, Movers+Shakers drive brand love. Evan shares his experiences around embracing failure. We talk about why failure is misunderstood and how embracing failure is a path to success. Get the show notes for Embracing Failure and a Culture of Joy with Evan Horowitz at Movers+Shakers Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #EvanHorowitz with your host @GeneHammett #EmbracingFailure #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode853 #Inc2021 #disruptivecreativeagency Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |