Growth Think Tank

Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness. When it comes to leadership vulnerability, it is a strength. Those that dare to have leadership vulnerability will say I don't know the answer. They will share from their heart. My guest today is Thomas Donohue, founder of Level Agency. Level Agency ranked #190 on the 2014 Inc List. Thomas shared his challenges with leadership vulnerability during the interview. Being a great leader requires that you build trust. Trust requires authenticity. Join us today as we explore leadership vulnerability.

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#Weakness #Vulnerability #GHepisode454 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Getting your employees to want to do the work is very different than just getting them to do the work. You may think it is semantics, but getting your employees to want to do the work has tremendous power. Leadership is a journey of getting your employees to see their highest potential and live their best lives. I find that employees that want to do the work when they feel that that work will align with their personal goals. They also want to create value for the organization that gets them recognized. Today's interview is with Justin Bakes, co-founder of Forward Financing. This company was #404 out of 5000 in the 2018 Inc List. They grew 1,238 percent in the previous three years. Justin shares the steps in getting your employees to want to do the work. We talk about the mistakes in this endeavor. I hope that as a leader, you can understand the power of getting employees to think for themselves.

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#WantToDoTheWork #Employees #HIghestPotential #GHepisode453 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

One of the most important jobs for you as a leader is getting employees to think for themselves. You want them to see the challenges of the organization internally and externally. You want them to think for themselves instead of following the playbook. The reason is that the steps in the playbook are likely to change. When they think for themselves, you will see their work proactively and innovatively. Today's interview is with Mark Gallagher, Founder, and CEO of GForce Solutions. This company was #8 out of 5,000 in the 2018 Inc List. They grew 16,427 percent in the previous three years. We talk about getting employees to think for themselves. Discover the critical steps in this interview when you want your employees to think for themselves.

Get the show notes for Getting Employees to Think for Themselves with Mark Gallagher at GForce Life Sciences

Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank Featuring Mark Gallagher with your host @GeneHammett

#Getting EmployeesThink #FeelingSchizophrenic #FailFast #GHepisode452 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Employees with an entrepreneurial spirit have the capability to be more resilient, resourceful, and innovative. Those with the entrepreneurial spirit have the ability to create new areas for growth. This interview is with Kyle Goguen, founder of Pawstruck. This company was #87 out of 5,000 on the 2018 Inc List. They grew at 3,891 percent in the previous three years. Kyle gives us the real reason why he encourages the entrepreneurial spirit within his company. I love this interview because it gives you practical steps in getting employees to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit.  


Get the show notes for Inspiring the Entrepreneurial Spirit at work with Kyle Goguen at Pawstruck

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#Entrepreneurial Employees #GHepisode450 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Developing entrepreneurial employees may scare you. This is more than just embracing intrapreneurs. Entrepreneurial employees have the ability to create massive value for the organization. Today's guest is Sean Elan, President of Affordable Luxury Group. This company was #55 out of 5,000 on the 2018 Inc List. They had a growth rate of 4,797 percent in the previous three years. Sean and I talk about getting employees to shift to being proactive. Entrepreneurial employees are also able to contribute more to the bottom line and product innovation. Join us to discuss the power of entrepreneurial employees.

Get the show notes for Growth with Entrepreneurial Employees with Sean at Affordable Luxury Group

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#Entrepreneurial Employees #GHepisode450 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

I remember exactly where I was when I heard the term "operationalize your values." A speaker asked the audience of more than a thousand if they had done the work beyond creating values. The process of operationalizing your values will take the company values from a project to a way of living the values. Today I am talking to Zach Smith, CEO of Funded Today about the steps to operationalize your values. We will talk about why it matters and what you can do to avoid mistakes in your journey to operationalize your values.

Get the show notes for Operationalize Your Values to Grow Fast with Zach Smith at Funded Today

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#OperationalizeYourValues #Leadership #GHepisode449 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Most leaders don't think about how to make work fun. A few evolved leaders do think about adding fun into the work environment. Today's interview is with Adham Yusupov, founder of Ecology Mir Group. Adham gives the reasons behind making work fun especially important when you have such a critical mission. When you make work fun, you give your team a way to connect to more than just the work. They relate to each other on a deeper level. Discover new ideas about how you can make work fun.

Get the show notes for How to Make Work Fun with Adham Yusupov at Ecology Mir Group

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#MakeWorkFun #Leadership #GHepisode448 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Companies want better communication. They really want to improve collaboration amongst their team members. You hire smart people so they can create amazing results. When they collaborate, you see terrific contributions and buy-in. Today's guest is Brad Griffith, co-founder with Brad shares with me a specific strategy that aligns his team together and improves collaboration. Tune-in to the interview so that you can improve collaboration within your culture.

Get the show notes for Improve Collaboration on Your Team with Brad Griffith at Gametime

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#ImproveCollaboration #Leadership #GHepisode447 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST