Growth Think Tank

One of the biggest challenges that CEOs face when it comes to optimizing their time is creating white space in their calendar. It seems that no matter what they do, they have people that want to fill in any available time on their calendar with a meeting. Creating white space is really about making time to think. Scheduling back-to-back meeting may seem productive, but the CEO that lacks time to think is likely to miss opportunities. Today's interview is with Justin Bakes, co-founder of Forward Financing. This company was #404 out of 5000 in the 2018 Inc List. Justin shares his top strategy for optimizing his time, which is improving his team meetings' flow. We look at the updates he has made to his meeting framework that has expanded his leadership capabilities. Justin also agreed to share the coaching conversation we held that is all about creating white space. This is not in-depth coaching, but it will give you insight into the re-framing challenges of creating white space.

Get the show notes for The OYT Coaching Series -  Justin Bakes - CEOs Creating White Space

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST