Growth Think Tank

When you spend your time wisely, you are focused on the right things. You can remove distractions from your mind to do the most valuable things. It is a never-ending journey to optimize your time, especially when you are the CEO of a fast-growth company. This video kicks off a new series aimed to help you optimize your time. Gene gives you the context of this series in a way that allows you to optimize your time by learning from others. This series will last the entire month of January. Tune in to optimize your time.

Get the show notes for CEOs Optimize Your Time – The OYT Coaching Series for CEOs of Fast-Growth Companies

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring with me @GeneHammett 

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Direct download: Optimize_Your_Time-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST