Growth Think Tank

The grip of self-doubt will always lift you. Many leaders don’t realize they need of overcoming imposter syndrome. In some ways, the doubt pushes you to work harder than your peers and shapes who you are. But at the core of overcoming imposter syndrome is learning to trust yourself. Today’s guest is Ron Sinai, CEO at Nova Legal Funding. Inc Magazine ranked Nova Funding #234 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Nova has a unique business model that helps those that need funding for their future settlements to get access to loans that allow them to go toe-to-toe in their legal fight. Ron opens up about his journey of overcoming imposter syndrome. He shares the impact it had on his business and leadership. Learn from his struggles and how it has impacted his life after overcoming imposter syndrome.

Get the show notes for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Grow As A Leader with Ron Sinai at  Nova Legal Funding

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST