Tue, 2 February 2021
Communication is a cornerstone in the skills of leadership. This does not mean you have to do all the talking. Actually, there is power in talking less and leading better. When you understand that listening is essential to leadership that aligns people. Our guest is Jory Schwach, CEO of Andium. His company was #200 on the 2020 Inc 500 list. Andium is an enterprise internet of things ecosystem that leverages its end-to-end software platform to bring intelligence and flexibility to hardware like never before. Jory begins by sharing his top strategy for optimizing his time, which is empowering others. He is very analytical and gives us a system to empowering others. In part two, he is coached on talking less and leading better. We look at what gets in the way when you talk too much. You will discover how to talk less and leading better inside this episode. Get the show notes for The OYT Coaching Series - Jory Schwach at Andium - Talk Less and Lead Better Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #JorySchwach with your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/gttJorySchwach #TalkLessandLeadBetter #OptimizeYourTime #Leadership #TheOYTCoachingSeries #GHepisode690 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |