Thu, 18 November 2021
Culture is more than a business buzzword. Discover how you can improve the personality of the company in this interview. Today’s guest is Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder at Visual Lease. Inc Magazine ranked his company #941 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Visual Lease brings together powerful tools and expert services to help you handle complex scenarios and take advantage of every opportunity. Marc gives us why he believes culture is the personality of the company. We look beyond the normal aspects of culture. Get the show notes for Culture is the Personality of the Company with Marc Betesh at Visual Lease Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #MarcBetesh with your host @GeneHammett #PersonalityOfTheCompany #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode814 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts #Inc2021 #LeaseManagement