Growth Think Tank

People are the heart of every company. Technology, strategy, finance, and other business aspects are driven by crafting a powerful culture. The culture you have defines your ability to attract and maintain talented people. Today’s guest is Stephan Aarstol, Founder & CEO of Tower Paddle Boards. Tower Paddle Boards is direct to market paddleboard brand that has experienced significant growth since it struck a deal with celebrity billionaire Mark Cuban on the set of ABC’s hit TV show, Shark Tank. The company has nearly quadrupled in size and grown revenues near 500 percent. Stephan gives us his views on crafting a powerful culture. He knows the importance of people and shares his lessons — good and not so good. We all know that crafting a powerful culture will give you a place where you people do their best work and give them meaning in their work.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST