Growth Think Tank

The period of COVID-19 has forced many of us to slow down, even if it is just less travel and no wasted time commuting. When your goal is growing as a leader, you often want to have a quick chat with your team and get to work executing. However, there is a question I often use with my clients that goes like this "Have you seen a benefit in slowing down to speed up?" I get a 100% yes to this. yet so many people focused on growing as a leader don't actually adhere to this mantra. It is quite interesting that we know the value of slowing down, but forget to do it so often. Today, we look at how slowing down to speed up effects your growth as a leader and the growth of your people too. I share the single most important reason for slowing down to speed up with you today.

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Direct download: BTS-Slowing_Down_To_Speed_Up_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT