Mon, 30 September 2019
Employee retention is one of the biggest and most expensive problems that companies have. If you have an employee leave before you are ready for them to leave, you know the cost of replacing that person is going to be expensive. Employee retention for some roles can be higher than 50 percent in a 12 month period. My special guest today is Amanda Hammett. Amanda is my wife, and she is amazingly smart in understanding the future of work. Amanda is the host of Next Generation Rockstars podcast, where she talks with millennials and their leaders to see what is working to create rockstars in today's ever-changing workforce. In this special episode, we look at employee retention in a fun way. We analyze the five types of workers that are hurting your bottom line. Amanda and I share specific types of people that will cause a turnover. We talk about why employee retention matters.
Get the show notes for The 5 Types of Workers Hurting Your Employee Retention Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank Featuring my wife @AmandaHammett with me your host @GeneHammett #EmployeeRetention #NextGen #AmandaHammett #GHepisode464 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes!
Direct download: Amanda-and-Gene-Hammett-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 29 September 2019
Invest in your employees if you want to create a strong team. Investing in their skills to do their work is a big part of creating a culture that drives the business forward. You might be tempted to reduce these investments in favor of a healthy bottom line. My guest today is Noah Curran, Founder, and CEO of MonkMedia. This company is #67 on the 2018 Inc 5000 list. Noah shares why he invests so much in onboarding his employees. The time and money he spends will blow you away. Noah gives you more great reasons why you mush invest in your employees. Get the show notes for Why It Matters To Invest In Your Employees with Noah Curran at Monkedia Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank Featuring Noah Curran with your host @GeneHammett
#Culture #InvestInYourEmployees #DeepQuestions #GHepisode463 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts
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