Growth Think Tank

Business has a tendency to wrap us up into our numbers and all the growth aspects of the company. However, one reason we are all in business is to give back in some way. I believe you should give back now. Our guest today is Cole Hatter. Cole is the founder and host of a major conference about making life matter, THRIVE. In the interview, he shares his journey of making millions and realizing that he can do so much more than he was doing.

Get the show notes for 272 | Making Life Matter Now with Cole Hatter

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett @colehatter ‏#Growth #Business #Journey #Founder

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Direct download: 272_Cole_Hatter_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT