Fri, 3 April 2015
Most people wake up and rush around to “get it done.” Well, this is mostly a reactive mode that has you chasing your tail and just doing what comes up. There is another way. There is a better way. It is establishing a repeatable routine that positions your day for maximum effectiveness. Today's guest is best selling author of “The Miracle Morning” and all around amazing guy, Hal Elrod. Hal shares his framework for waking up on purpose with a purpose. Get the six elements of Hal's morning routine to improve the first minutes of your day to make the rest of your day amazing. Get the show notes for 144 | Successful People Have a Morning Routine with Hal Elrod Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #Effectiveness #BestsellingAuthor #Episode144 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!