Growth Think Tank

Failure is part of business. Failure is something that all of us have faced. Even the millionaires and billionaires of our society have encountered failure.Today, we talk with Nick Unsworth who shared how he overcame eleven failures before he found success.

Think about that for a second. Eleven times Nick had to face not being right and losing tons of money. But the key here is how he kept going. In short, it was his inner belief that he could do it. Nick talks about mindset and the amazing mentors in his life to help him find the right steps to real success.

Get the show notes for 067 Nick Unsworth | Why Your Inner Belief is So Important to Success

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:49am EDT

When you publish content on the web, it is searchable by everyone (fact). When you publish valuable content, it positions you as an authority (fact). When you publish crap…well, you get the point.

David Meerman Scott, author of many books on Sales and Marketing like “The New Rules of Marketing & PR”, talks about how content creation is changing. He shares specific insights that you can use to attract new clients. Listen in hear for tremendous value and take action on it today.

Get the show notes for 068 David Meerman Scott | On the Web, You Are What You Publish

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett @dmscott #BestSeller #MarketingandPR #Episode068 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 068_David_Scott_Meerman-final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:31am EDT

Every business owner I know understands that leadership is a key aspect of growth. Leadership is not the “command and control” type of approach to delegating. Real leadership is so much more.

Our guest today is Janice Marturano, and she shares the four areas of leadership excellence in this interview. Plus, we talk about the two competencies of excellence in leadership. Janice spent more than 30 years being a leader and now her mission is to help others become the leaders they want to be.

Get the show notes for 066 Janice Marturano | The Keys to Practical Leadership and Not Losing Yourself

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett @JaniceMarturano #RealLeadership #CommandandControl #Episode066 #Podcasts

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Direct download: 066_Janice_Marturano-final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49am EDT