Growth Think Tank

Every company that enters a scaling mode knows the importance of employees. Yet few leaders understand the reasons why we must put employees first. After years of studying fast-growth companies, it is evident to me that those leaders know how to put employees first. Today's guests are Arthur Barrett, President, and Tim Barrett, CEO, at Barrett Distribution. Inc Magazine ranked Barrett Distribution #4404 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. The company is a customized third-party logistics, omni-channel distribution, and direct-to-consumer fulfillment services for clients in many industries. Arthur and Tim share why they see a correlation in growth when they put employees first. In this interview, we look at the essential aspects of this style of leadership.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

One profound superpower is how you leverage the power of empathy. Leaders that have a deeper relationship with their team members must use their hearts. Today we look at the power of empathy to increase connection with your people. Our guest is Jeanne David, CEO at Outer Aisle Gourmet. Inc Magazine ranked Outer Aisle Gourmet #63 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Jeanne gives us some stories that you will learn simple uses of empathy. Discover how you can create more connections with your people using the power of empathy.

Get the show notes for The Power of Empathy to Create Company Growth with Jeanne David at Outer Aisle Gourmet

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Every CEO struggles with how to spend their time. I often get asked how do you balance your time doing the day-to-day stuff and being the visionary the company needs. If you want to shift into being the visionary consistently, you have to be willing to let go of the old way of leading your company. In this behind the scenes, I give you a question to help you see why you must make time to think and look around the corner in your business. We look at the constant struggle of being the visionary that your team craves.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Hiring the best is one factor in your company building the foundation for growth. The rules to attract top talent are not just in paying the most. Your culture likely plays an even more critical factor than your payscale when you want to attract top talent. Today's guest is Jason Carter, CEO at UNCOMN. Inc Magazine ranked UNCOMN #2356 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Jason shares how he thinks about culture and why their company can attract top talent. We look at what gets in the way of having a strong culture. Discover how you can attract top talent in today's interview.

Get the show notes for Creating a Culture to Attract Top Talent with Jason Carter at UNCOMN

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#AttractTopTalent #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode642 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

Teamwork requires the right people and exemplary leadership. Building the right team is an exercise in many skills of leadership. Today's guest is Jeremy Parker, CEO of His company was ranked #218 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. is more than a place to buy your logo brand gear because they are a distribution system for your branded items. Jeremy shares his insights and challenges in building the right team. We look at the hiring process and the development strategies. Building the right team is essential if you want to grow beyond where you are today.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Leadership is a never-ending process if you do it right. There is always another level of growth for those that you lead. I talked to a client the other day about the quote that starts, "teaching a man to fish." Many believe that leadership is about serving your people. I agree. However, some don't understand that it is not about telling them what to do, but leadership is about leading them to figure it out. The Chinese proverb about giving a man a fish vs. teaching him to fish is a powerful way to look at leadership. In this short video, you will see what I mean. Here is to you teaching a man to fish in your role as a leader.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Leadership is not just about results. Of course, you have to execute. You also have to put your heart in leadership to create a team that wants to join you on your mission. Putting your heart in leadership will allow you to build a connection and belonging across the team. My guest today is John Hightower, CEO of Arch and Tower. John shares what putting heart in leadership looks like in today's modern workplace. We talk about vulnerability and authenticity. When you have a heart in leadership, you have a team that is more loyal too.

Get the show notes for Putting Your Heart in Leadership with John Hightower at Arch + Tower

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

The work in defining your company values may seem like fluffy work. However, after talking with hundreds of leaders from the Inc 5000, I can assure you that defining your company values is a strategic move that pays off. We look in the trenches with a company that has grown incredibly fast by emphasizing company values. Today, my interview is with Sam Bobley, Co-founder, at Ocrolus. They offer a service for document-driven workflows in the digital space to help clients make faster, smarter decisions. Ocrolus was ranked #30 in the Inc 5000 list for 2020. Sam shares stories about how defining your company values are one of the best things the company did to boost growth.

Get the show notes for Defining Your Company Values Creates Unity with Sam Bobley at Ocrolus

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Imagine the power of visionary leadership that connects people and aligns the work to a robust culture. It is financial health, strong employee experience, and your own peace of mind. The vision of culture is not something we take time to consider, given the need for focus on today's issues. I invite you to think about your vision of culture as the company grows and evolves. This is an essential part of your success as a leader sees the future and aligns resources to what is most important. The vision of culture is complex and yet simple too.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

One big issue in leadership is still the lack of representation of women in leadership. The surprising thing is that the strong women in my life are all strong leaders, so it makes sense that we would have more women leaders at work too. Today we look at how to improve the numbers of women in leadership. My guest is Heather Elrod, CEO at Amazing Lash Studio. Her company was ranked #260 on the 2018 Inc 5000 list. Amazing Lash Studio has made this list for three consecutive years. Heather shares her views on mentorship and its impact on women in leadership. We look at how to give the women around you more opportunities to be the leaders they are capable of.

Get the show notes for The Importance of Women in Leadership and Mentorship with Heather Elrod at Amazing Lash Studio

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#WomeninLeadership #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode6356 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

Creating a fantastic experience for your employees and partners is done with intention. Some of the keys to this are transparent communication and an open environment. Today's guest is Bill Spohn, Co-founder of TruTech Tools. His company was ranked #4643 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We look at why they open up the financials. They also train their employees to understand the financials. Transparent communication is one of the key drivers that Bill says has impacted the company's continuous growth.

Get the show notes for Leaders Embrace Transparent Communication with Bill Spohn at TruTech Tools

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#TransparentCommunication #Leadership #Culture #GHepisode635 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

When you decide to improve your leadership skills, you may think the best solution is to find the latest book on leadership. I have interviewed many authors in the world of leadership, and they are smart for sure, but they may also lead you down a different path. If you are the leader of an Inc 5000 company -- or want to be -- you might want to look to your peers on the Inc list. I study the founders and CEOs of fast-growth companies. In this video, you will find a few helpful insights to improve your leadership skills. I will help you find your next step. Join me today to improve your leadership skills in this short video.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

This may sound scary to you, but you should encourage entrepreneurial thinking at all your company levels. When you have entrepreneurial thinking, you have a culture of ownership. Today's guest is Dr. Johnny Garcia, founder of SimIS. His company was ranked #3401 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. We look at the power of entrepreneurial thinking. This is something I have noticed in my research with other fast-growth companies. Join us today to look at entrepreneurial thinking as a way to improve autonomy and innovation.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT