Growth Think Tank

When your people have the systems of integrity and accountability, you have a team aligned to the right work. Creating a culture with integrity and accountability requires new approaches to leadership. My guest today is Robert Davis, CEO of Stealth ISS Group. His company was ranked #368 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Robert shares how integrity and accountability have been an essential part of company growth. Discover new practices that allow your team to increase their alignment and productivity.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

As a leader, you will need to have difficult conversations. The critical part of difficult conversations is to give them enough time of planning that allows you to prepare what you need to say. Also, you want to make sure you don't take too much time and avoid them either. Today, I share with you three aspects of the conversation that you must consider before having a difficult conversation. I also give you insight into what often gets in the way of having effective conversations about a difficult topic. We look at one challenge you will face as you prepare to let someone go. This behind the scenes look at difficult conversations will allow you to show up as a strong leader.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Fast growth companies do one thing entirely different than those companies that don't grow as fast. I have analyzed hundreds of companies to find that one thing. It is the concept of putting employees first, customers second. Leaders that are willing to put employees first, customers second are prevalent with the companies on the Inc 5000. Today's guest is Steve Burke, Founder of Texadia Systems. This company was ranked #2897 on the 2019 Inc List. The company operates in the residential and commercial markets with its design and engineering services. Are you willing to put employees first, customers second? Inside this interview, we look at the value of employees first. We look at what that means when it comes to company growth. Join us today for this conversation on employee first, customers second.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

People want to be aligned with a purpose to drive impact. Another way to look at this is a mission-driven culture drives growth. You may believe that your mission as a leader is to increase the bottom-line or you may think that you have to develop your team for growth. Both of these are important to company success. Being a leader of a mission-driven culture is one way to make all of this easier. My guest today is Vernon Green, CEO of G Cubed Enterprises. This company was ranked #386 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Vernon talks about mission-driven cultures and how it drives company growth. We looked at new aspects of being a leader that is mission-driven. Join us today to look at clarifying your purpose to activate more growth.

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#MissionDrivenCulture #Culture #Leadership #GHepisode563 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

When you get to a certain point in your business growth, you will face a series of decisions about letting go of the day-to-day work. Another way to look at growing your company is that you will need to fire yourself. I have operated many businesses past the $5 million marks in revenue. I had to wrestle with letting go of the work that I became good at to keep the growth going. Today's behind the scene video takes a look at firing yourself and letting go of your current work to activate more growth.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Often the easiest and quickest thing to do is to give some your advice. However, there is something called "the advice trap" that keeps people from growing in their role. If they fail to grow, you are limited on the impact a person can make to the growth of the organization. My guest today is the best-selling author, Michael Bungay Stainer. His new book is "The Advice Trap." Tune in today to get tools to avoid the advice trap in your journey as a leader.

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#BestSellingAuthors #TheAdviceTrap #Leadership #GHepisode561 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Do you want to discover how to drive growth? Leaders that are committed to growth know the importance of company foundational elements like mission, vision, and values. Today, we look at how to drive growth. My guest today is Greg Ott, CEO of Nav. This company was ranked #623 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Nav is a marketplace for loans - matching lenders with borrowers. Greg shares how to drive growth with effective company core values that are part of everyday work. If you want to learn how to drive growth, this is the episode for you.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Sometimes you might feel guilt for needing to re-charge. I believe leaders need to learn to rest, not quit when they are tired. Today, I share with you some reason why you want to learn to rest, not quit. We also look at letting go of the guilt that often comes with resting. Discover why you must learn to rest, not quit. Relaxing is part of the journey.

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 #LearntoRestNotQuit #Leadership #GHepisode559 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Growth is more manageable when you a solid foundation that guides the company, the people, and the decisions. One element of that is having a values-driven organization. The company's core values allow people to make decisions and coordinate action for a shared future. When you have a values-driven organization, you have guides for the people to operate with limited oversight. My guest today is Kurt Luidhardt, Co-founder of Prosper Group. His company was ranked #466 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Kurt shares the hidden cost of not being a values-driven organization. We look at how to make values a more significant part of working together. Discover how you can create a values-driven organization.

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#ValuesDrivenOrganization #Leadership #GHepisode558 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Eventually, you wonder how you can stop feeling overwhelmed. I have struggled with his for years in my leadership of a fast-growth company. I discovered that it is better to change how you approach your work and not just keep putting in more hours. In short, stop feeling overwhelmed with this super simple productivity hack. Today, I share with you a story about time-blocking that I was reminded when I did a home project. You may wonder how installing a garden hose holder relates to leadership. Tune-in to stop feeling overwhelmed by re-thinking how you work.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Many people avoid transparent communication. Some think that they are transparent enough. When you value transparent communication, you are open and honest to a fault. You dare to share more than most feel comfortable. Your team begins to trust you because you have transparent communication. My guest today is Saint Hung, CEO of Universal Processing. His company was ranked #500 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We talk about the importance of transparent communication and what it means to share everything that you can legally share. Fast-growth companies tend to be more transparent than most companies.

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST