Growth Think Tank

Most leaders that profit and revenues are the most crucial factors for company growth. These same people often have a limited view of what it takes to grow a business. However, putting people over profits has proven to drive growth. My guest today is Josh Levin, Founder of Empowered Electric. His company was ranked #210 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. His success in company growth is hard to deny. But Josh is most proud is that his company clearly puts people over profits. In our interview, we talk about the strategy of people over profits. Learn how Josh sees his job as a leader. Discover the importance of caring for people. If you want your company to grow fast, put people over profit.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Today, I share a story of how I learned the difference in being thankful and being grateful. I go back almost ten years to recall this story that my mentor taught me while I was in coach training. You will also get some extras on the power of being grateful. In this season of Thanksgiving, being grateful is commonplace. However, I believe that being grateful is something we must do regularly.

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#BeingGrateful  #Gratitude #SoloEpisode #GHepisode488 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Creating a learning organization is not just about training. In fact, training is just a tiny slice of the concept of creating a learning organization. Today, we will unpack some of the critical elements of a learning organization. My guest today is Khaled Naim, Co-Founder of Onfleet, an innovative logistics software company. Onfleet was ranked #124 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Khaled and his co-founders believe that learning is the foundation of innovation. Discover the strategies of creating a learning organization that has driven innovation for this driven company. We talk about the strategies that allow their employees to challenge the status quo.

Get the show notes for Important Strategies to Creating a Learning Organization with Khaled Naim at Onfleet

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#CreatingaLearningOrganization #Culture #GHepisode487 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

Do you want your people to be continually improving? Well, you want to create a learning organization that is ingrained in your culture. It starts with hiring people that are confident enough to share their skills and expertise with others. It also takes a committed leadership that appreciates learning in everything you do. My guest today is Mike Gentile, Founder, and CEO of Cisoshare. His company was ranked #88 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Discover how why he wanted a learning organization. We talk about the importance of the culture of learning to be a central part of their fast growth. We also talk about being a socially conscious organization and how they uniquely give back to their community with their capability of being a learning organization.

Get the show notes for Creating a Culture of a Learning Organization with Mike Gentile at Cisoshare

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Taking time to look back at how far you have come is essential and often overlooked. Today, I am sharing with you a ritual I have on my birthday to show you the power of reflection. I give you the five areas vital to me as I look at my personal and professional life. Looking at the power of reflection, it gives you clarity and insight into what is going on with your life. Your five areas may be different than mine. You can select the areas that mean the most to you. Join me in this behind the scenes look to create a new ritual and leverage the power of reflection.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Having a robust culture is not a luxury in today's economy. Record low unemployment and the race for talent increases continuously. This episode is how to create an amazing culture. My guest today is Chase Bowers, Founder of Dropified. His company was ranked #55 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Chase and I talk about the practical principles of how to create an amazing culture. Chase shares the benefits of it too. We document the steps of how to create an amazing culture that you can follow in today's interview.

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#HowtoCreateanAmazingCulture #Culture #GHepisode484 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

What would happen if you gave everyone a seat at the table? I know from experience what happens when you don't give your people a seat at the table. My guest today is Pete Maldonado, Founder of His company was ranked #22 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Pete shares the benefits of everyone having a seat at the table. We talk about the fast growth of Chomps and why it is so essential for everyone to have a seat at the table.

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#SeatAtTheTable #Leadership #GHepisode483 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

When you set out to achieve a goal, the most common approach is to think of your next steps. It is so common in fact, that people often don't even think about the full equation to bridging the gap from where you are now to the destination. When you are bridging the gap, you want to get clear on your identity. In today's video, I am sharing a simple and powerful step in bridging the gap that you can use to shift your results.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Before you think about hiring a coach for yourself or someone on your team, you want to think about the value of coaching. I hired a coach in the first two years of launching my business, and it was a powerful experience that helped me create a five million dollar business by year three. I would say that the value of coaching is priceless when you decide to transform from the inside out. You have to be ready for new insight and be prepared to be challenged. My guest today is Tony Whalen, Founder, and CEO of Vision33. His company was ranked #812 in the 2012 Inc 5000 list. Even more impressive is the fact that they have been honored to be on the Inc 5000 eight times over the life of the company. We talk about the value of coaching from his experience. Tony is not a client of mine here to tell you about me. I was not his coach. When we talked, I was intrigued by how he saw the value of coaching. Listen in to our conversation so that you can better understand what your value of coaching could be.

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#TheValueofCoaching #Vission33 #GHepisode481 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT

To have revenue growth, you have to get good at sales execution. When I say sales execution, it is the art and science of closing the deal. Every company has to figure out the path to predictable sales execution if you want to grow beyond where they are now. My guests today are Chris Cochran and Richard Hoehn, Co-founders of FreightWise. Their company was ranked #2 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. They share with us how they looked at sales in the early days of the company. There are some counter-intuitive strategies that they took to improve their sales execution. Improving your sales is a powerful force for growth. Discover how you can improve your sales execution in today's episode.

Get the show notes for Company Growth Requires Sales Execution with Chris Cochran and Richard Hoehn at FreightWise

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#SalesExecution #Culture #GHepisode480 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

I sat down with the CEO of a Fortune 50 company that I admired. This meeting was the first face-to-face interaction. He started with a genuine interest in me and my work. Then I shared my research on the founders and CEOs of fast-growth companies. After hearing the big revelation, he quickly said, "I was wrong." I didn't know what to say. If I was wrong, what would this mean for my business? I leaned in to hear why I was wrong to figure out what I was missing. Being told you are wrong by a person you respect profoundly is tough. I turned inwardly to see how I was wrong. I wrestled with these ideas to figure out that, in the end, I was not wrong. Being told I was wrong lit a fire in me and allowed a deeper commitment to my research. Listen to today's behind the scenes episode to see what he said I was wrong about.

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#IWasWrong #Culture #GHepisode479 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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You have likely heard that failure should not be avoided. You have heard that failure is part of the process. However, too many companies have a culture that is playing not to fail. This is dangerous in many ways. When you embrace failure throughout your culture, you have people that are innovating and pushing the boundaries of new success. A leader's job is to embrace failure in such a way that the team embraces failure too. My guest today is Jeremy Delk, CEO of Tailor Made Compounding. His company was ranked #21 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Jeremy shares why you must embrace failure. He gives you specific examples of how failure has been the path to growth. Discover how to get your culture to embrace failure in this episode.

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#EmbraceFailure #Culture #GHepisode478 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT