Wed, 27 February 2019
If you want fast-growth leadership, you must understand the gap between responsibility and ownership. This gap exists because you ask your employees to trade money for time. Many leaders believe this is enough -- I give you wages and you give me work -- is a common thought. Fast-growth leadership has a very different view that encourages employees to take ownership of their work. This message is a small portion of a speech I gave a few weeks ago to a group of multi-million dollar business owners. Discover why leadership that inspires people to feel like owners is so important. Get the show notes for 402 | Fast Growth Leadership Requires More Than Responsibility Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #FatsGrowthLeadership #Leadership #GHepisode402 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 402-Fast-Growth-Leadership-Requires-More-Than-Responsibility-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Sun, 24 February 2019
Getting more referrals for your business is always a good thing. Getting referrals signals that your client base is getting value from your work. Today's guest is Phillip Stutts who shares with us the keys to getting more referrals. Get the show notes for 401 | Getting More Referrals With Phillip Stutts Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches Special Episode featuring @phillipstutts with your host @GeneHammett #GettingMoreRefferals #Leadership #GHepisode401 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 401_Getting_More_Refferals_With_Phillip_Stutts_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Wed, 20 February 2019
The qualities of a good leader are sometimes clear and straight forward. Other times they are counterintuitive. This is a special episode of the podcast today. We discuss the qualities of a good leader with some of my favorite guests. These five experts and I talk about the qualities of a good leader. Learn the mistakes and lessons learned on this journey. Please share this episode with those that want to be better leaders. Get the show notes for 400 | Qualities of a Good Leader with Leaders in the Trenches Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches Special Episode with your host @GeneHammett #QualitiesofaGoodLeaders #Leadership #GHepisode340 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 400-Qualities-of-a-Good-Leader-with-Leaders-in-the-Trenches-final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 17 February 2019
Knowing how to be a leader is not something that you are born to do. You have to work at it. You have to be intentional. You have to learn. To be a leader you have to engage others to believe in your vision. You have to be good at getting others to believe in themselves. Today I'm sharing that the journey of leadership starts with one step. Tune in to find out how to be a leader. Get the show notes for 399 | Fast Growth Requires GrowthIQ with Tiffani Bova Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @Tiffani_Bova with your host @GeneHammett #FastGrowth #Leadership #GHepisode399 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 399_Fast_Growth_Requires_GrowthIQ_with_Tiffani_Bova_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Wed, 13 February 2019
Growth tools to help you spread your word. This episode is all about the tools I I use to run my business. I am going to share with you free growth tools. For some of you, this will change your lives and your businesses. For others, you will just need to give them to your team to use. I give you growth tools for more speaking engagements, creating a podcast, running the cash flow of your business, and much more. Here is a rundown of the growth tools for your company. They are all free and amazing. Get the show notes for 398 | Growth Tools – Free Resources – Speaking, Podcast, and more Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #GrowthTools #Leadership #GHepisode398 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 398-Growth-Tools-Free-Resources-Speaking-Podcast-and-more-_-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 10 February 2019
Are you self-aware? Self-awareness is your ability to see the real you and know where you are best...and where you aren't. There are many elements to the journey of how to become self-aware. I interview Dr. Ken Keis, author, and speaker, about his work in the area of self-awareness. We talk about the challenges that get in the way of it and focus on how to become self-aware. Get the show notes for 397 | How to Become Self-Aware with Ken Keis Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #HowtobecomeSelfAware #Leadership #GHepisode397 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 397-How-to-Become-Self-Aware_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |
Wed, 6 February 2019
Part of leadership is overcoming challenges. You will face tough times, and they will make you a better leader. Today I share with you my to hell and back story. It is all about overcoming challenges. I want you to know you are not alone and that you can overcome challenges when they come your way. Get the show notes for 396 | Overcoming Challenges - To Hell and Back Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with your host @GeneHammett #OvercomingChallenges #Leadership #GHepisode396 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 396-Overcoming-Challenges-To-Hell-and-Back-Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Sun, 3 February 2019
The work culture defines how we work, communicate and get things done in our professional lives. Every company has a work culture, even if it is just you. Culture is something that leaders begin to think about once they have enough revenue to come in that they have hired a team and they want the team to operate more effectively. Today, my interview is with Anita Grantham, Chief People Officer with Pluralsight. Anita shares the most important factors to the success of defining your work culture. We have a ton of fun talking about work culture and how to ensure you get it going at optimal levels. Get the show notes for 395 | Work Culture Drives Growth with Anita Grantham Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring @anitakgrant with your host @GeneHammett #workculture #Leadership #GHepisode395 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 395-Work-Culture-Drives-Growth_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST |