Growth Think Tank

Navigating the chaos of growth is a hallmark of visionary leadership. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, it's imperative for leaders to not only embrace growth but also to steer their organizations skillfully through the inevitable turbulence and unpredictability that the chaos of growth often brings. This chaos of growth can encompass everything from scaling pains and shifting market dynamics to increased competition and evolving customer preferences. Visionary leaders must not only anticipate these challenges but also leverage them as catalysts for innovation and transformation. In this episode, we explore how these exceptional leaders not only navigate but also harness the chaos of growth to propel their organizations to new heights. Our guest today is Marla Mattenson, CEO of Mattenson Coaching and Consulting. Marla Mattenson is an internationally-recognized expert in helping thought leaders and their partners thrive in love and business. With over 25 years of experience, she has guided high-profile clients, including Academy Award winners and NBA players, to break free from limiting patterns and achieve success. Marla shares her wealth of knowledge on this critical topic, offering real-world examples, practical strategies, and expert advice on how visionary leaders can turn chaos into opportunities for innovation and progress. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve deep into the chaos of growth, uncovering the strategies that visionary leaders employ to steer their organizations towards greater success and enduring prosperity.


Get the show notes for How Visionary Leaders Handle the Chaos of Growth with Marla Mattenson at Mattenson Coaching and Consulting

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