Growth Think Tank

Great leaders are persistent in their pursuit of success, and this unwavering determination sets them apart. Through challenges and setbacks, leaders are persistent, never giving up on their vision and goals. Moreover, they are self-aware, recognizing their strengths and areas for growth, which enables them to lead with authenticity and humility. By embracing persistence and self-awareness, leaders inspire their teams to stay focused and resilient, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability. Today's guest is Didi Azaria, CEO at Workiz Inc.. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1033 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Workiz Inc. In this episode, Didi talks about how great leaders are persistent and self-aware. () Join us in this podcast episode as we explore how these essential qualities propel leaders to navigate complexities, inspire their teams, and create a lasting impact in their organizations. Discover how the synergy of persistence and self-awareness enhances leadership effectiveness and drives long-term success.


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST