Sun, 28 May 2023
When employees internalize and memorize your values, it creates a strong foundation for decision-making and behavior alignment. By consistently reinforcing and emphasizing these values, you cultivate a shared sense of purpose and a unified company culture. Employees who have memorized your values are more likely to exhibit behaviors that align with your organizational vision and mission. Today's guest is David Asarnow, Founder, and CEO at Business Nitrogen. Business Nitrogen is an international digital marketing agency based in Atlanta, Georgia, and works with clients around the world. They're the go-to experts for entrepreneurs, executives, and small business owners looking to monetize and accelerate their business results through Click Funnels marketing. In this episode, David talks about Why employees need to memorize your values. He also talks about tough conversations and client alignment. Tune in to discover why employees need to memorize your values and how they can positively impact your organization's success.
Get the show notes for Why Employees Need to Memorize Your Values with David Asarnow Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank with #DavidAsarnow featuring your host @GeneHammett
#MemorizeYourValues #GeneHammettPodcast #GHepisode994 #Inc5000 #internationaldigitalmarketingagency