Growth Think Tank

Transparent culture is sharing information freely to benefit the organization and its people. When an organization is transparent, it increases employee engagement and allows them to communicate freely. A transparent culture creates trust between employers and employees and being transparent costs nothing, which gives it an exceptional ROI. Today’s guest is Syed Ishaqui, Founder and CEO at AvistaTech. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3022 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. AvistaTech is a recruiting company providing consulting, strategic solutions, and staffing using a proprietary tool to identify resource gaps and assess technology. In this episode, Syed talks about creating a transparent culture and its impact on the organization. He also shared his insights about leading by example and how as a leader, it always starts with you. Discover how you can create a transparent culture to drive growth for your company.


Get the show notes for Transparent Culture Drives Growth with Syed Ishaqui at AvistaTech

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT