Growth Think Tank

Business leaders are aware of how important it is to have an adaptable culture to survive. We all wish our employees were ever-evolving, adaptable, willing to be a little bit flexible, and looking for innovation. To embrace and seek out changes instead of resisting them. If you have all these, you have an adaptable culture. Today’s guest is Sam Kolbert-Hyle, Founder, and CEO at Brandlive. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2167 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Brandlive is shaping the Future of Work through meetings that are more fun, more engaging, more interactive, and, well, more like television. They provide streaming tools and audience platforms designed to make remote work and meetings more fun and engaging. In this episode, Sam talks about creating a space for employees to have an adaptable culture and how to use video to engage people. He also talks about the importance of having a point of view and knowing what you stand for. Discover how he quickly and effectively created an adaptable culture and its impact on leaders and their organizations.


Get the show notes for Creating an Adaptable Culture with Sam Kolbert-Hyle at Brandlive

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST