Growth Think Tank

The stress of being a CEO of a growing company is comprised of pressure-filled moments. When it builds up, the answer is not to quit. You might consider the leader’s sabbatical. Taking intentional time away from the business and disconnecting from the day-to-day will give you perspective. Today’s guest is Sam Eitzen, CEO, and Co-Founder at Snapbar. Inc Magazine ranked his company #473 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. SnapBar has evolved over the years and now creates unique experiences for event attendees using technology in unique ways. Sam walks us through the pressures he was experiencing before he realized he needed a leader's sabbatical. The signs may not have been clear, but eventually, he needed to look at his priorities differently. The leader’s sabbatical may be something that you need in the future.

Get the show notes for The Journey of a Leader's Sabbatical with Sam Eitzen at SnapBar

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Direct download: 799_Sam_Eitzen_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST