Growth Think Tank

Growth requires a team. When it comes to fast growth, every team is comprised of talented people. One essential factor to keeping the team intact is improving employee retention. You will struggle to create growth if you can’t keep the people you have. Today’s guest is Adam Hergenrother, founder at Hergenrother Realty Group. Inc Magazine ranked his company #442 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Adam believes leadership has been a critical factor in improving employee retention, which has led to company growth. He talks about his strategies that enhance employee loyalty and engagement. Improving employee retention leads to more employees that take ownership of their work.

Get the show notes for Improving Employee Retention Requires Leadership Growth with Adam Hergenrother at Hergenrother Realty Group

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Direct download: 761_Adam_Hergenrother_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST