Growth Think Tank

I sat down with the CEO of a Fortune 50 company that I admired. This meeting was the first face-to-face interaction. He started with a genuine interest in me and my work. Then I shared my research on the founders and CEOs of fast-growth companies. After hearing the big revelation, he quickly said, "I was wrong." I didn't know what to say. If I was wrong, what would this mean for my business? I leaned in to hear why I was wrong to figure out what I was missing. Being told you are wrong by a person you respect profoundly is tough. I turned inwardly to see how I was wrong. I wrestled with these ideas to figure out that, in the end, I was not wrong. Being told I was wrong lit a fire in me and allowed a deeper commitment to my research. Listen to today's behind the scenes episode to see what he said I was wrong about.

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