Growth Think Tank

The right mindset for leadership is a moving target. As you grow, you have to shift how you think. Over the last decade, I have worked with inspiring and successful leaders to help them evolve as leaders. The right mindset is the foundation that allows for new personal growth and company growth. Today’s guest is Brett Helgeson, President, CEO and Managing Partner at Adopt Technologies. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3264 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list and #2295 in 2019, and #2152 in 2018. Adopt Technologies is an industry leader in both cloud computing solutions and providing conventional IT services to a variety of businesses throughout various segmented industries. Brett and I talk about the right mindset that creates great teams. We look at the importance of EQ in leading others. The right mindset is a make-or-break thing as your company keeps growing.

Get the show notes for The Right Mindset to Create Teams that Drive Growth with Brett Helgeson at Adopt Technologies

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST