Tue, 26 January 2021
The OYT Coaching Series - Aaron Grossman at The Talent Launch Network - Identify Your Next Role in Leadership
Everything evolves. Great leaders are intentional about it. Once your company stabilizes from a growth phase, you may be thinking about what is next. In other words, you have to identify your next role in leadership. When you intentionally focus on how you are evolving, you will be seen as a stronger leader. Today’s guest is Aaron Grossman, CEO of The Talent Launch Network. His company was ranked eight consecutive times on the Inc 5000 list. His company was ranked eight consecutive times on the Inc 5000 list. Aaron begins by sharing his top strategy for optimizing his time, which is planning everything. In part two, he is coached on his next role in leadership. We look deep into what is going on as the company enters a new phase. You will discover how to identify your next part in leadership inside this episode. Get the show notes for The OYT Coaching Series - Aaron Grossman at The Talent Launch Network - Identify Your Next Role in Leadership Click to Tweet: Listening to a fantastic episode on Growth Think Tank featuring #AaronGrossman with your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/gttAaronGrossman # IdentifyYourNextRoleinLeadership #OptimizeYourTime #Leadership #TheOYTCoachingSeries #GHepisode687 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |