Growth Think Tank

Scaling your business is often the goal. This means growth in revenue, optimizing your systems, and developing authentic leaders. When scaling your business the right way, you get to experience the full potential of your business. Today’s guest is Craig Swanson, Partner at KaisaFit. KaisaFit is partnering with personal trainer, fitness educator, and social media influencer Kaisa Keranen, they are building JUST MOVE, an online fitness platform with hundreds of on-demand, at-home workouts that fit any mood, any activity level, and anybody. Craig discusses scaling your business and the strategies that matter the most. He outlines what gets in the way of growth. Discover the keys to scaling your business.


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Direct download: 906_Craig_Swanson_EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST