Growth Think Tank

You get what you tolerate. If you have an employee that encounters a challenge at work, you want to help them get unstuck. Removing the obstacle is an essential part of leadership. To lead people through challenges, you have to consider the person before you react. For example, if the person is new to this role, you may have to help them overcome the challenge with more support and prescriptive next steps. But for most employees, are not newbies, and you want to lead people through challenges using a different approach. Today, I give you the 3:3:1 framework for leading people through challenges. Inside this short video, I give you precisely what you need to be a strong leader that coaches your employee to solve their problems. You empower them to make their own decisions. When you lead people through challenges, you are not solving the problem for them. You allow them to solve it using the 3:3:1 framework. Plus, the bonus tip is to encourage your executive leadership time and even your middle managers to use the 3:3:1 framework to lead people through challenges.

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Direct download: solo-bts-3-3-1_Framework-Leading-through-Challenge-auphonic.mp3
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