Growth Think Tank

People want to be aligned with a purpose to drive impact. Another way to look at this is a mission-driven culture drives growth. You may believe that your mission as a leader is to increase the bottom-line or you may think that you have to develop your team for growth. Both of these are important to company success. Being a leader of a mission-driven culture is one way to make all of this easier. My guest today is Vernon Green, CEO of G Cubed Enterprises. This company was ranked #386 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Vernon talks about mission-driven cultures and how it drives company growth. We looked at new aspects of being a leader that is mission-driven. Join us today to look at clarifying your purpose to activate more growth.

Get the show notes for Mission-Driven Cultures Drive Growth with Vernon Green at G Cubed

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST