Growth Think Tank

Leveraging business transparency helps to build trust and credibility with employees, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce. Having open and honest communication fosters a positive company culture and enhances employee satisfaction. It also leads to improved decision-making, increased accountability, and a more successful business overall. Today's guest is Natalie Nathanson, Founder, and CEO at Magnetude Consulting. Inc Magazine ranked her company #4351 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Magnetude Consulting is a global B2B marketing firm specializing in integrated marketing strategy consulting and program services for growing tech-related businesses. In this episode, Natalie talks about leveraging business transparency and what usually gets in the way of it. She also talks about cultural alignment and updating core values to make sure it's keeping pace. Tune in and learn more about Leveraging business transparency and how it can make you an effective leader.


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST