Growth Think Tank

We know the old saying that we "lead by example." The reason this has saying has been around for centuries is that it is so true. Another way to look at leadership is the art of influencing others. The best -- and only way -- to influence others is to lead by example. Today's guest on the podcast is Erin Hooley, Founder, and CEO of Bailey's Blossoms. Her company ranked #428 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We look at how leading by example has impacted her style and company growth. Erin explains her craving for feedback as a leader. Join us to see what leading by example means for the company.

Get the show notes for Leading By Example and Craving Criticism with Erin Hooley at Bailey’s Blossoms

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Erin Hooley at Bailey's Blossoms with me your host @GeneHammett

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Direct download: Erin-Hooley-EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST