Growth Think Tank

Leadership by example is more than just a concept; it's a fundamental principle that defines our approach to effective leadership. It embodies the idea that leaders should set the standard for behavior, ethics, and dedication within their organizations. By practicing leadership by example, leaders create a culture of integrity, accountability, and excellence. This approach is not just about giving orders but about actively demonstrating the values and work ethic expected from the team. Today's guest is Paola Alvarado, Founder and president at CORE Boiler & Mechanical Services. Inc Magazine ranked her company #182 on the 2023 Inc 5000 list. CORE Boiler & Mechanical Services offers piping fabrication and installation services, specialty welding services, mechanical work, and HRSG repairs. In this enlightening episode, we unravel the essence of leadership by example and the profound impact it has on organizations and individuals. Our special guest, Paola, an esteemed leadership authority, will share invaluable insights and real-world examples, highlighting the transformative power of leadership by example. Join us as we explore the intricacies of this leadership style and how it influences corporate cultures, motivates teams, and fosters enduring success. This podcast will inspire and empower you to embrace leadership by example as a guiding principle in your leadership journey, ultimately reshaping your organization's destiny and driving positive change.


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