Sun, 1 December 2019
The way your people engage and communicate shapes the culture. Culture is also about how they get work done. In a culture of ownership, you have people that are willing to go beyond responsibility. A culture of ownership is where people feel the pride and commitment to work like they are owners -- even if they aren't. My guest today is Breezy Griffith, Co-founder of Skinny Dipped. Her company was ranked #32 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Skinny Dipped started early as a "family affair." As they grew, they wanted to make sure they were intentional about creating a culture of ownership. Discover how Breezy leads the team to feel ownership. We talk about the importance of a culture of ownership if you want to grow fast. Get the show notes for Creating a Culture of Ownership with Breezy Griffith at Skinny Dipped Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank with featuring Breezy Griffith at @getskinnydipped me your host @GeneHammett #CreatingaCultureofOwnership #Leadership #GHepisode490 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts Give Growth Think Tank a review on iTunes! |