Growth Think Tank

What do you do with the excuses your people come up with for why they didn't make a goal? If you tolerate excuses, you will get more of them. This episode is about creating a "no excuses culture." This episode is a proactive strategy to align your company to take ownership of their work. A "no excuses culture" will generate loyalty and creativity when times are challenging. If you are tired of the excuses, this is the interview for you. My guest today is Roy Dekel, Founder of SetSchedule. His company was ranked #196 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We talk about Roy's approach to a no-excuses culture. Roy shares with you how he has created his no-excuses culture. We talk about using a powerful technique when excuses are tossed about. Discover how you could benefit and implement a no-excuses culture.

Get the show notes for Creating A No Excuses Culture to Drive Growth with Roy Dekel at SetSchedule

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank with featuring @RoyDekel with me your host @GeneHammett

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Direct download: Roy-Dekel-Final-auphonic.mp3
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