Growth Think Tank

Every business owner I know is under tremendous pressure right now. For some, it is the pressure to keep up with the new demand for their services and products. For many, it is how to navigate through a crisis. If you are like me, you believe there is an opportunity in times like this. Today we are looking at the benefits of an ownership culture through a crisis. My guests are Brian Brasch and Erik Hopperstad at PRX Performance. Their company was ranked #189 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We talk about how their business is booming with the demand for in-home gym equipment. We also look at the foundation of their company, which centers on an ownership culture. If your business is not taking off right now, you still have a ton to gain by understanding the power of an ownership culture. Discover how you can engage your team to new levels through a crisis.

Get the show notes for Benefits of an Ownership Culture Through A Crisis with Brian Brasch and Erik Hopperstad at PRX Performance

Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Brian Brasch and Erik Hopperstad with me your host @GeneHammett

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Direct download: Brian-Brasch-and-Erik-Hopperstad-EDITED-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EST