Growth Think Tank

Throughout the years, successful businesses have learned the importance of having the right culture in a company. Being intentional about culture matters, and it makes every company unique. It is all about monitoring what you are creating and making necessary shifts along the way to ensure you are accomplishing what you set out to by creating the intentional culture in the first place. Today’s guest is Ryan Jones, co-founder, and CEO of Florence Healthcare. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1145 on the 2022 Inc 5000 list. Florence Healthcare is a clinical trial workflow platform providing a suite of products digitally linking the clinical research ecosystem to accelerate cures. In this episode, Ryan talks about being intentional about culture and how it drives growth to their business. He also talks about being direct with bad news, the cadence of communication, and how he empowers his people. Discover the secrets to being intentional about culture and the keys to next-level growth.


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