Sun, 21 October 2018
Cultural change inside of companies is hard work. It is hard because it is complex and filled with landmines. It is also worth it. A cultural change can lead to higher profits, lower turnover, and improved customer satisfaction. I am interviewing Aaron Ball, Chief Product Officer with Adroll, who shares his thoughts on cultural change. Discover why it is essential and how to lead a cultural change in your company. Get the show notes for 365 | How to Create a Cultural Change with Aaron Bell Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches featuring Aaron Bell with your host @GeneHammett #CulturalChange #Leadership #GHepisode365 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 365-How-to-Create-a-Cultural-Change-with-Aaron-Bell_-_Final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm EDT |